JiHan -> Stay

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Jeonghan is under a layer of dust, he can't stop coughing but he doesn't really care, all he cares about is his husband, he doesn't want to end this war without him and he especially doesn't want to go home without him, he's going to tell their child, what if he goes home alone ?

It's clearly not an option, so he has to find an excuse to keep his family together with the whole world.

The soldier walks into the trenches, then suddenly an umpteenth explosion sounds, the blond lies down on the ground and pulls his shirt up next to his nose to protect himself as best he can, after several minutes that seem like hours to Jeonghan he finally finds someone, but it's not the one he's looking for at all.

" Soldier Kim, stay alive, we need you."

" I'm fine. Well, I think ? "

" You need some rest, go to the bunker. "

" I lost soldier Jeon in the battle I can't finish this fight without him."

Suddenly, a coughing sound is heard, and soldier Kim turns to see his faithful battle companion in front of him. Without hesitation and with the little strength he has left, he takes the boy in his arms, and the latter returns his embrace, after which he decides to take his cadet back to base so he can heal himself.

Jeonghan is really pleased to see that there are still many soldiers left in their team, but for the moment he has his soldier to find.

So he continues to walk, or at least crawl, on the ground, still pulling his T-shirt over his nose, and then moves slowly forward. It's only after several minutes that he meets someone on his way again, and luckily for him it's his lover.

His temple is bleeding, as is his left arm, scratches cover his face and Jeonghan's panic escalates.

" Shuji-ya, I need you, please stay with me ! We promised our little princess that both her parents would live on. So stay with me."

Gently Joshua's eyes open, the young man lying wounded on the ground runs his hand over his lover's cheek and smiles.

" I don't know if I'll manage to stay alive, but know that if I die I'd have been happy to share my life with you and take care of our little princess."

Joshua grabs the collar of his eldest's T-shirt and pulls him to him, this makes their lips meet without any delicacy nevertheless as he's passionate and full of love it remains really nice.

Jeonghan feels Joshua's strength leave his body little by little, so he makes sure to detach his lover from his person, then with his little strength he gets to his feet and carries Joshua to the base.

On the way, he sees many bodies of determined soldiers who have unfortunately not been able to reach the base to wait for treatment, and when he sees the lifeless body of his lover in his arms, he is really afraid that his husband will end up like these lifeless bodies.

Nevertheless, the soldier doesn't want to think about it, he wants to believe in Chan and his healing abilities, so now that he's arrived at the bunker he follows Chan to a small room and lays Joshua's body on the bed in the center of the room.

" He's not going to die, is he ? "

" I assure you he'll stay with us, soldier Yoon."

" Hey you're like my son Chan, just call me Jeonghan. "

Chan nods and begins to treat Joshua gently, disinfecting the wounds, removing the bullet from his eldest son's left arm and putting a bandage over it, then cleaning soldier Hong's dust-filled face with a little water and finally telling the blond that now he just has to wait for the young man to regain his strength.

What's certain is that he's not dead, his breathing is steady and calm and all's well, he just needs a little rest, Jeonghan thanks Chan deeply and the young man leaves to see if there are any other soldiers to look after.

Jeonghan stays by Joshua's side, of course, placing a tender kiss on his husband's forehead, then kissing the wedding ring on his lover's finger. Surprisingly, the ring wasn't lost in the battle, but remained attached to the boy's finger.

After several minutes, soldier Yoon decides to lay his head on soldier Hong's stomach and rest.

His breathing settles into the same rhythm as his boyfriend's, and he finally drifts off to sleep.

- > A few hours later.

Jeonghan wakes up because he feels fingers in his hair, and when he really opens his eyes he realizes that it's his husband who's been playing with his hair.

" You seem to be in better shape it's good to see, I was so afraid of losing you."

" I'm a fighter Hannie-ya ! "

" I'm really happy to be able to say that you're going to stay by my side."

" I'm staying by your side, I'm staying by our little princess, I'm staying by my parents and yours and I'm staying alive most of all."

" My heart is relieved, I was really too scared."

Joshua straightens up slightly thanks to Jeonghan's help, the blond leaves to fetch a bottle of water, this had been left by Chan a few minutes earlier so it's time to use it.

The youngest drinks first, then the oldest drinks, and suddenly the door opens delicately.

" You're doing much better, I see ! That's good to see."

" Thanks Chan, it's all thanks to you."

" I'm just doing my job. If I can call it that."

" How's the battle going ? "

Suddenly a boy comes and wraps his arms around Chan's waist and that same boy places a tender kiss on the blacksmith's son's neck, the latter giggling like a little child.

" We won it. I think there are only thirteen of us left."

" We lost so many soldiers, fellow soldiers..."

" Unfortunately, yes, but we still won this war, this territory is still ours, we don't have to worry about that anymore."

" No more war ? "

" No more war. We're going to stay pacifist now."

Jeonghan and Joshua sigh, happy to hear this news. What's certain is that all the remaining soldiers will grow enormously close as a result of this war, and they'll even become inseparable.

Even in the midst of the battlefield, love is stronger than anything, and this war has created couples and strengthened some of them. What's certain is that all the following are going to stay alive as long as possible, now that they're at war they're invisible.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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