JunHao -> sign language

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Minghao is sitting with his friends in the art room of his school, the young boy is painting on his easel and continues to draw a few lines over his drawing when he notices that something is missing.

Just as Minghao was about to finish, someone entered the room. Minghao obviously turned to see who it was, and saw that it was Jun, a senior in his faculty who shares his nationality.

The two men have never spoken to each other before, because every time the younger man tries to talk to him, Jun walks away without giving his junior a chance to get a word in edgewise, so perhaps this time an opportunity has arisen...

" Jun hyung ? Are you looking for something ? "

Minghao sighed and gave up trying to talk to Jun, then at the same moment another guy came into the room, none other than Joshua. Jun's best friend, the American approaches his friend and starts talking to him with his hands.

Minghao doesn't understand what's going on, he looks down at his own paint-covered hands and shakes his head to refocus on Joshua and Jun, the American seems to understand that a gaze is upon them as he turns his head in his direction. Minghao blushes, embarrassed to have been caught red-handed.

" Do you need anything Minghao ? "

" I'm just curious, what do you do with your hands ? "

" We talk to each other in sign language."

" Sign language ? Why ? "

" Jun is deaf due to an accident Minghao. If you want to talk to him you either need his number or learn sign language."

Minghao felt horribly stupid and angry at him, his eldest never answering him but he has a reason, but after all, how could he have known ? It's not at all obvious that his elder is deaf.

The young Chinese asks the American if he can get Jun's number, the older one smiles calmly and turns to Jun to ask what Minghao wants.

Jun also smiles and goes over to Minghao to show him his cell phone where his number is, Minghao also smiles and saves Jun's number in his cell phone.

The two boys smile sweetly at each other, then the bell rings indicating that they have to get back to class.

-> End of the day

Minghao hasn't been listening at all to his lessons, preferring to go on his phone discreetly to learn sign language in detail so as to communicate more easily with Jun.

Talking about Jun, the blond spotted the older man around his bike, who seemed to be having trouble getting it out of the parking space, so Minghao, with a tender heart and a desire to get to know Jun, approached the black-haired man and decided to help him.

" Oh, Minghao ? Thanks a lot. "

Minghao is surprised it's the first time he's heard Jun's voice, usually he never uses it. The blond's surprise makes Jun smile gently.

" Hey, I'm deaf not mute."

Minghao decides to pick up his cellphone and write his reply.

[ This is the first time I've heard you speak, so I'm surprised. ]

Jun begins to blush softly.

" I'm slightly shy haha, but right now I feel comfortable with you so I don't mind talking."

" You're so cute."

Minghao realizes his words and puts his hands over his mouth, then finally it percolates into his brain, Jun can't hear it so he doesn't need to cover his mouth for saying that.

" Thanks for helping me with my bike, once again."

Minghao replies in sign language 《 you're welcome 》, Jun is surprised he wonders where did the boy learn that.

" How did you learn that ? "

[ I spent my day learning on my phone. I want to...]

" Why don't you continue your sentence ? Even if it's cute the classes are more important than me."

[ No. Classes are boring plus I want to learn sign language so I can communicate with you more easily. "

" You're really sweet to make all this effort for me Minghao. "

This time it's Minghao's turn to blush, Jun laughs delicately as he runs one of his hands through his younger's hair, this action makes the younger man blush even more, he prefers to disengage himself from Jun's gentleness and walk away because he's too embarrassed by this closeness.

Honestly, he's never told anyone, not even his friends, but Jun interests him and he's been attracted to him since the beginning of the year.

So this sudden contact made his heart skip a beat, but he didn't know how to react, so he preferred to run away.

-> Two weeks later

Minghao and Jun haven't chatted face to face since, but they have exchanged several messages and the youngest has now learned to speak sign language, so he feels ready to join his elder and talk to him.

The young Chinese man has arranged to meet Jun on the roof of the school, which is why the two boys are currently facing each other.

" Did you want to tell me something ? " Jun asks gently.

Minghao sighs and picks up a piece of paper, on which he has written everything he wishes to say to Jun. The older man grabs the letter and begins to read it.

[ Honestly, I don't know where to start, probably at the beginning. Since the beginning of the year, I've been watching you discreetly from a distance. It may sound strange, but I didn't know how to approach you, and every time I try, you ignore me. Well, I thought you were doing that, but it's just because you couldn't hear me that you didn't answer me.

Now that I know that, I'm going to do everything I can for you, I really want to get closer to you and have a relationship with you. I think I've really fallen in love with you. It's strange because we don't know each other that well, but Jeonghan confirmed that love at first sight does exist. So I fell in love with you just by looking at you Jun hyung. ]

Jun finishes reading and smiles gently.

" I've also noticed you since maybe not the beginning of the year but the beginning of the projects. When you danced on Criminal. You made me feel emotions I'd never felt before. I'm also convinced of how I feel about you."

Jun approaches Minghao gently and leans forward to place his lips on Minghao's. The younger man is surprised at first, so he doesn't react, but finally, after a few seconds, he closes his eyes and puts his hands behind Jun's back to support him.

The exchange is really calm and gentle, everything that represents the chemistry between them. Minghao finally steps back and, using his hands, says: 《 I love you 》

" I love you too Hao ~ I really do." Jun replies softly

The younger boy blushes and comes to hide in Jun's arms, Jun laughs and of course takes the younger boy inside his arms, the boys decide to stay like that until the bell rings.

All Minghao's efforts to learn sign language and learn more about Jun are finally paying off, and he couldn't be happier. Jun, for his part, admires everything his cadet has done for him. Learning sign language isn't easy, but apparently anything is possible through love.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

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