JunHao -> Snowman

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One fine, cold winter's day, snowflakes fall softly, on the road, the sidewalk, the trees. It's just beautiful to look at.
Jun looks out of his window. The soft snowflakes, tapping against his window, then, he sees in the distance sitting on a bench, in the park opposite his home. The snow boy, from the back of the classroom, everyone calls him that because he doesn't talk to anyone, yet Jun is certain that underneath this thick layer of coldness. He can be as gentle as a snowflake, so that day, when he saw the black-haired boy on the little park bench. Jun decided to go and join him.
The dark-haired man put on his winter clothes and left his house. He stepped out into the snow and eventually reached the black-haired man. The latter lifts his head and raises his eyebrows, as if to ask what he wants. Except Jun doesn't say anything, just sits down beside the black-haired boy.
The snowy boy gets up and tries to leave, but the chestnut boy holds him back by the wrist, which irritates the black-haired boy. He pulls hard on his own arm and Jun lets himself be pulled, landing against the younger man's chest.

" Move over ! " Says the boy, annoyed

" I just want to discuss with you "

" About what ?  There's nothing interesting in me, so pack up and get out. "

The chestnut smiles, even though this first exchange is violent. He appreciates having heard the boy's voice...

" It's a pity, I don't feel like it, stay here, there's good in every human being..." Jun says

" I don't think so Junhui..."

" Oh, you know my first name ? "

" Who doesn't know your first name, you get along with the whole of Korea..."

" Except you, so I don't even know your first name..."

" My name is Minghao, now let go of me and leave me alone."

Jun lets go of the black-haired man, we move forward in the discussion, he's pleased...
Minghao looks at his watch and realizes it's getting late. He's got to go home now, so he runs off, leaving the dark-haired man in a daze.

...The next day...

Jun sees Minghao on the same bench as the day before. He decided to join him and ask the black-haired man for an explanation.
When he reached him, he saw the younger man's cheek, red and swollen. Where did that come from ? He hadn't had that yesterday...

" Minghao ? "

" Oh, not you, get lost..."

" Please..."

" Leave me alone ! I don't want to see anyone, especially you ! "

" I've done nothing to you ! "

" If you hadn't held me back yesterday, Father would never have hit me. "

Jun remains shocked. So that's the mark on his cheek ? His father slapped him ? What amazes the chestnut is that Minghao has opened his heart, as he lets his tears roll down his cheeks. Jun, saddened to see him like this, comes and takes him in his arms. At first, the black-haired man tries to push him away from himself. Eventually, he gives up, letting himself go into the chestnut's arms and enjoying the warmth of his elder's embrace.

" Don't just rely on yourself, it must be really hard, keeping everything to yourself, just know that I'm here..."

" Why ? Why did you want to be there for me ? "

"I know that underneath that coldness, you can be a good person..."

" How can you be sure ? "

" I listen to my heart, it tells me to help and support you, I know I have to listen to it because it always shows me the best possible choices. "


Minghao is shocked and touched by the chestnut's words, and he tells himself that every day he comes here, he'll reveal a little more of his true personality to Jun. He owes him that. He's the first boy who's dared to approach him, the snow boy.


Many days have passed since the last time...

The two boys have grown much closer. Minghao's layer of cold snow is beginning to melt. He's becoming much more gentle and helpful to the others. In fact, the establishment is beginning to appreciate the black-haired boy.


That day...

The snow is far too heavy to go to school. So Jun invites the black-haired boy home to Netflix.

" Pick a movie..." Jun says

" No, you go ahead." Says Minghao

" No, you go ! "

" No, you. "

The two boys tease each other, more and more with each new day. A new little game, delirium, even flirting as at present.
Minghao, to shut Jun up, threw himself on top of him, tickling his sides. The room filled with laughter and play. Suddenly, the black-haired man realized that their positions were awkward. He plants his gaze in Jun's and shakes his head as he stands up, then leaves the house.
It's hard for the chestnut to understand what's just happened. All he knows is that his heart is screaming to run after Minghao and put his lips to those of his youngest son. So he listens to her, gets up and leaves his house.
It doesn't take long for the black-haired man to find himself again, for he's settled in. On the bench where they first spoke. Jun sighs, then smiles. He joins the black-haired man...

" Hey, my snowman, what's going on inside your head ? "

The black-haired man turns his head and his cheekbones turn pink at the nickname...

" My snowman ? " Minghao asked.

" Yes."

Jun closes his eyes and gently places his mouth against the black-haired man's. The kiss is very soft, under the snowflakes. Jun pulls back gently.

" You are mine Hao..."

" You're mine too, know, that you've managed to melt that heart of ice I used to have..."

" I know, you're as soft as a flake now..."

" A world without you by my side makes no sense anymore, I'm so crazy about you. "

" I'm madly in love with you too Hao. "

Their fingers find each other naturally and link. Minghao rests his head on the chestnut's shoulder and together. They watch the snowflakes fall softly on Jun's house, happier than ever.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

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