SoonHoon -> Ruby

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Jihoon and Soonyoung have been friends for a long time, and the youngest knows that the eldest loves him more than in a friendship way, but he can't bring himself to believe that there can be more between them. His relationship with Soonyoung suits him just fine, and he doesn't want to be more than that.

At the moment, Jihoon is lying on the sofa in his living room, writing new music on his cell phone, and then he starts thinking about Soonyoung, frowning as he wonders why he's thinking about him like this, writing when it's never happened to him before. The title of his song is called ruby, and he realizes that his friend is just as precious to him as this jewel is, being away from him as he is right now hurts his heart.

Nevertheless, he doesn't want to think or imagine that it's because he's starting to feel things for his eldest too ; it's childish and completely idiotic, it doesn't make sense, and it's impossible.

" Baby ~"

Jihoon raises his head, the nickname of his eldest makes him blush and the pulses of he's heart start to speed up, the composer sighs and puts his hand on his vital organ, he bites his lower lip and sees Soonyoung arrive with a glass in his hand, once he's at his side he hands the glass to him and smiles gently.

" You work hard you need energy with your favorite drink baby."

" You're such a ruby."

" Hmm ? What do you mean I'm a ruby ?"

" Did I talk out loud ? "

Soonyoung smiles even more and comes to set the glass on the living room table, before coming closer to Jihoon, the boy understands the message he gets into a sitting position and lets his elder come and settle down beside him.

The dancer smiles more and takes a seat beside his youngest, who for some reason wants to put his head on his eldest's shoulder, so he does. The older man smiles at this contact and comes over to caress Jihoon's back gently.

" Are you tired, baby ? "

" I think this song is getting to my head. I can't take it anymore."

" You've got plenty of time, don't worry."

" It's stressing me out a bit."

" Hoonie, stop putting pressure on yourself like that, do you want help ? Can I read what you've started to write ? "

Jihoon nods gently, takes his cell phone in hand, turns it on and shows his notes to his elder.
The latter starts to read and he really likes what his younger has done, although he likes everything the younger produce, he thinks there's something extra, as if Jihoon had put all his feelings into it.

" It's a bit of a declaration of love, what you've written. I like it, you really need to keep it up. Little ruby ~ "

" It's you.."

" Is it me ? "

" It's you my inspiration, it's you my ruby."

Soonyoung doesn't say anything more, he just swallows, Jihoon straightens his head slowly and he's afraid of his elder's reaction, he doesn't know how he'll react to this announcement, it turns out the young man has forgotten all about him, he's found someone else he loves, and who loves him back, who isn't as complicated as he is.

" Jihoon, are you serious ? Is that a real statement ? Are you sure about how you feel ? "

" It's probably too late isn't it ? "

The dancer turns to the composer and he shakes his head with tears in the corners of his eyes, Jihoon feels the panic rising in him until he feels Soonyoung's arms come around his waist, he allows himself to take his eldest in his arms too and he sighs to calm the beating of his frantic heart.

Soonyoung steps back slightly and looks into Jihoon's eyes, then down to the younger man's lips. The dancer's eyes dart back and forth between Jihoon's eyes and lips, honestly waiting for just one thing.

And when Jihoon understands the message, he nods and Soonyoung takes this as a green light, so he finally puts his lips against Jihoon's. After all this time of holding back, he can finally come and discover the softness of the lips of the one he loves and Jihoon can finally realize that friendship is no longer possible between him and Soonyoung. Now it's time for love to take its place, and for love to shine between them.

Jihoon pulls back slightly to catch his breath, he's really happy with what's happened, he never thought he'd be so happy to love Soonyoung in this way, but it's obvious now.

" I'm sorry it took me so long."

" That's okay baby, waiting for you was the best decision of my life and anyway I refuse to love anyone but you. My heart belongs only to you."

" Soon... I'm offering you mine too. Now that I've finally realized my feelings for you, I want you to be the one to take care of it now. "

" I promise I'll take real good care of it, baby."

" You call me baby, well I'm going to call you ruby."

Soonyoung smiles softly and places his lips on Jihoon's forehead before stepping back and embracing his youngest with all his heart. The composer lets himself go into the arms of the one he loves and stays like that, eyes closed, heart soothed, mind completely disconnected from reality until ideas for continuing his music come into his head.

At that precise moment he opens his eyes again and gently pulls Soonyoung away from him, picks up his cell phone and starts to continue his music, strangely enough, ideas come naturally to his mind and in not even twenty minutes the song is finished.

" It's really you and only you who inspire me, little ruby."

" I'm glad to hear it, now that you've finished, rest inside my arms."

Jihoon smiles and switches off his cell phone before putting it down away from his person, he returns to Soonyoung's arms and lets his eldest caress him, very soon dreamland takes him, Soonyoung finds this adorable and he knows full well that his youngest needs sleep so he stays in this position with Jihoon in his arms, he rocks him gently and places several butterfly kisses in the hair of the one he loves. Soon sleep takes him too, and this evening is just perfect for the two lovers.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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