ChanCheol -> Tired

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The members of Seventeen today have a new episode of Going Seventeen to shoot, surprisingly the staff didn't explain anything to them, the members just know that they're going outside their agency and taking the company's personal bus to get away.

Obviously, everyone is excited and happy to know that they'll be shooting something for their fans together.

Everyone's excited except Chan, who's usually the first to be happy about going out. Being the maknae, he was always full of enthusiasm and energy, but today he wasn't, and for good reason : he hadn't slept all night.

When he saw that his boyfriend was fast asleep, he got out of bed and went outside, then started walking around the city under the faint glow of the moon and stars. Doing this was certainly soothing, but now he regrets it a lot, because he's extremely tired, but he mustn't show it.

He doesn't want to worry the staff, the fans, his elders and especially his boyfriend, that's not his goal at all, so he tries to stay on his feet as best he can. The boys have obviously arrived by now and they find themselves on a baseball field.

The staff explain the rules, the members nod and divide into two teams Chan isn't with his boyfriend and this makes him slightly sad nevertheless it doesn't seem to bother Seungcheol that much who prefers to stay with Joshua and Jeonghan.

Chan pays no further attention and the game can officially begin, the maknae pretending that all is well, but deep down he knows that sooner or later he's going to fall and collapse on the floor as tireness takes over. But he mustn't let it get the better of him.

One trick follows another, and the young man finds himself face to face with his boyfriend, who seems to be struggling in his dinosaur costume, so Chan, laughing, approaches his eldest.

" Coups Hyung, what are you doing ? Have you got any problem ? "

" My beanie fell off and I can't get it back on. "

" Your beanie has fallen off, let me help you get it back. "

So Chan helps his lover to retrieve what he wanted, then gives the ball to his elder and returns to his place to play, but when the ball arrives at his feet he doesn't hit it and for good reason, he starts to flinch, his tiredness makes itself felt and he starts not to see properly what's going on, his eyes slowly close and his body falls backwards.

Luckily for him, Joshua and Seungkwan are quick to catch up, but when they see Chan's eyes closing, they get worried and call for help.

Seungcheol takes off his costume and runs as fast as he can, thinking he's never run so fast in his life. But it doesn't matter to him that he's run himself to death, because he's now with Chan and in total panic. His eyes glisten, his stress is so great that he starts to cry.

" Channie. Wake up, what's going on ?
Don't abandon me, I need you."

The staff indicate that a small room is open and that they can go and install the youngest there. Seungcheol doesn't hesitate a single second longer, carrying his lover in princess mode and carrying him to the room, once inside he sees a bed so he gently lays his boyfriend's body in it, then covers his lover with a blanket and places a chaste kiss on Chan's forehead, before taking a chair and taking a seat by his side.

Once settled, he takes one of Chan's hands in his own and waits patiently for his eyes to open.

-> One hour later.

Chan finally wakes up, his eyes delicately open and the first thing he sees is his sleeping boyfriend, one of his hands in his, the young man smiles at the sight and with his free hand strokes his elder's hair. The touch wakes him up, and when he really opens his eyelids, he sees the smiling, tired face of his boyfriend.

Seungcheol, happy to see the one he loves awake, immediately takes him in his arms and positions his head on his younger's neck, who smiles even more and strokes his elder's back.

" What happened, Chan ? Why did you collapse like that ? "

" I didn't sleep all night and all we did was run so my tireness got the better of me. I'm sorry I worried you. "

" Next time you're that tired you tell us first so we don't have to worry, understand ? "

" Yes, Dad."

Chan rolls his eyes gently as Seungcheol detaches himself from his arms, the elder laughing delicately as he sees his younger pout softly.

Seungcheol gently places a kiss on Chan's forehead, then on the tip of his nose, and finally on his lover's lips. The kiss is simple and gentle, they don't want to go far, it's just a token to express the love they feel for each other. Seungcheol gently steps back and takes Chan back into his arms.

" I'm sorry for acting like this, but I'm still your leader too."

" True, but you're my boyfriend too, so there's no need to scold me like I'm five years old. I'll try to sleep better at night."

" I'll find a technique to keep you with me all night."

" How do you plan to do that ? "

" I'm going to hold you like this, firmly in my arms, so you can't run away."

Chan laughed softly then felt his eldest place a kiss on his neck, the younger smiled then as his energy returned he gently pushed his eldest away and got back on his two legs, then grabbed his lover's hands and pulled him with him out of the room towards the others.

" Chan ~ " -> Some members shout

" Dino ~" -> Others shout this.

Chan is delighted to see that everyone's there for him, he's never felt so loved in his life and seeing that he's worried his friends and his boyfriend he promises himself to sleep better at night and never show such signs of tireness again.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

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