JiHan -> Get away

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Jeonghan and Joshua have been friends since they were very young, they've done everything together, they used to run around together, but that's all changed now, because they're still from the royal family, so they're a title of nobility to be respected normally.
Why do I say normally ? Because only Joshua respects imperial duties, Jeonghan is more the type to break the rules, to wander aimlessly around the village and yet he's forbidden to do so, because I quote his mother's words 《 The people of the village and we don't come from the same world we don't have to mix with them. 》
Nonsense, that's what the blond thinks, to prove a point he wanders the village every day and always comes out alive, except today he comes out with a few scratches as if by chance on the day the royal families get together.
Not only is he late for the meal, but he's also wounded, bringing shame to his mother and father in the process.

" I told you not to go there ! " says his mother.

" Why do I have such a good-for-nothing son ? " Says his father.

The blond smiles wryly and runs out of the room, without even glancing at his two parents. Joshua, having witnessed the whole scene, goes off to find his friend, and he already knows where he's going to be, so he goes and he's right, there he is, in the greenhouse looking after the plants. The black-haired man approaches his friend gently and places one of his hands on his elder's shoulder. The latter turns and sighs.

" Above all, hide your joy." Joshua says with disappointment in his voice.

" It's not that, I had a little hope that my mother would come you see." Jeonghan replied in the same tone.

" You and your parents have been having corrupt discussions since you were little Hannie."

" Anyway they don't understand me, and never will."

" I think you're one of the only princes who doesn't want to be part of the imperial court."

" It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I have a dream and I want to pursue it. "

Following this sentence, silence hovers in the space, the blond gently waters the roses in the greenhouse, a gentle smile at the corners of his lips, then ever so gently he comes to take one of his flowers in hand, then holds it out to his friend. It's a hydrangea (budding love, declaration of attachment, hope of love), the black-haired boy looks at the flower, not understanding what his elder is getting at, the blond laughs and takes the flower back, telling his younger brother to forget it. The two boys then leave the greenhouse and lie down on the grass.

" Joshuji sometimes don't you want to get away from here ? "

" Honestly, that idea has crossed my mind several times."

" Get ready then, because tonight I'm coming to get you and we're fleeing far from here."

" We're running away to the village ? "

" I have things to show you there. You'll like it, I promise. "

The elder smiled at his younger brother, then finally took the flower and offered it gently to the black-haired boy, who still didn't understand the meaning behind it. Then he walked away, leaving the black-haired man in a state of incomprehension. Anyway, fast-forward in time, it's now evening, and Joshua is in his room rehearsing important texts for the upcoming ceremony, but his concentration is disturbed by someone tapping against his window. He nonchalantly enters Joshua's room.

" Can you explain to me why you're not ready ? " Jeonghan asks

" Ready for what ? "

" To flee the palace, you fool. Get changed."

The black-haired man nods and pulls some more casual clothes out of his wardrobe, then changes in front of his eldest, who blushes visibly, his youngest's body is.... He's completely rambling, now's not the time to fantasize about him, they've got to go. Once the cadet is ready, the two boys take the older boy's ladder to get out of this place as discreetly as possible, and in not even three moves they're already outside the palace. Joshua doesn't let go of Jeonghan; he clings to him, afraid of getting lost. The blond reassures him as best he can, then leads him towards a stage, a theater stage to be precise. Joshua finally lets go of his elder and heads for the stage, eyes shining.

" I haven't forgotten our promise, even though we were kids, and I'm keeping it." Jeonghan says with a smile

" Thank you." Said Joshua, amazed.

" I told you I'd take you to all the theaters in this region, we're starting now. "

Joshua looks back at his eldest, his eyes never ceasing to shine, very gently his hand comes to grasp the blond's, then with his free hand he comes to catch a flower in his coat. It's a violet (shy but strong and deep love, shared love.) Jeonghan can't believe it, and with his free hand he grabs the little flower and places it behind his younger's ear.

" Do you even know what it means ? " asks Jeonghan.

" My head hasn't stopped exploring the flower books so I can find the best one to define how I feel about you."

" Do you know how I feel about you ? "

" With the hydrangea you gave me this morning yes, I do. "

Jeonghan smiled and turned his head towards his younger's, the latter turned his too towards his younger's, and their gazes caught, as if drawn to each other their two faces drew closer and just as their lips were about to touch, the younger stepped back.

" What's the matter ? " Jeonghan asks in disappointment.

" We're two men with a title of nobility. Hannie."

" Remember tonight we ran away from the palace, we're no longer two men with a title of nobility we're just two men who love each other."

" We're still two men..."

" Forget that, the most important thing is to listen to what our hearts desire. My heart, my soul and even my body desire you Shuji' and I know it's mutual so let go of prejudice. "

Joshua nods gently, and just like that, his eyes close and he feels his eldest put his lips to his. Explosion. That's what the two boys feel, an explosion of joy, tenderness, love and, above all, freedom. Here, in front of this theater, they're alone, left to their own devices, they're as they wish, and they're delighted. What's certain is that they were happy to escape this evening, and that this escape will undoubtedly be repeated.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

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