JiHan -> Surprise

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Joshua and Jeonghan have been together for almost two years now, and although they love each other to death, neither of them really expresses what's on their minds, so today Joshua decided to do just that - but not in front of his boyfriend, of course, but rather in a little video clip. Before leaving for work, he leaves the small key on his boyfriend's desk and heads off to work.
As for Jeonghan, he wakes up a few minutes later, today being his day off, so he stays snug and warm at home. Once he's up and about, he goes for a cup of tea and goes to his office, where he obviously finds the small key left by his boyfriend a few minutes earlier. Jeonghan wonders where it came from, takes it in his free hand, then puts his cup on the table so he can open his laptop.
Once he'd opened it, he came across a small note;

" My angel baby :

I've left you a little key that I forbid you to look at before 17:15 this evening, I can't wait to find you, have a good day ♡ "

The black-haired man remains puzzled, but smiles all the same, suspecting that a surprise awaits him with this little key.
The young man went about his day as normal, writing the next piece of music and editing a song translation. The hours flew by and he couldn't stop yawning, fortunately his little dog was there to keep him going mentally.
After several hours, Jeonghan stretches out in his chair and looks at the clock. It's already 4.45 p.m., and apparently there's only another hour to go.
At the end of his chapter, it's finally time to go and see what's in store for that little key, so he returns to his desk, turns on his computer and plugs the key into the mains. The black-haired man then sits back in his chair and clicks on the file with his name.
Then a video starts up, consisting of footage of the little couple together and Joshua's voice over it.

" My Angel baby ~ you know we're not very expressive, but these three years with you have been the most beautiful of my life.
You know I haven't told you this, but since we met you've never been more than a friend to me, yet I agreed to be one for a year just to be able to stay by your side.
You fill me with so much happiness and intense joy, you know I think about you all the time, sometimes you even appear in my dreams and I don't know why but you can't leave my brain and even less my heart.
You're such a shining boy, I wonder how many charms are on your list, honestly how can you be so incredible ? You're always cheerful, always smiling, always listening, always there for me through thick and thin, how do you put up with me so much ?
I'm aware that I'm not really the person you dreamed of, but you never let me down, you stay by my side and you've promised me for eternity. I sincerely hope you'll keep your promise, because without you my life has no meaning and, above all, no importance.
You make my heart burn with many emotions, and each one is more positive and incredible than the last.
Let's be together forever, Jeonghan.

I've loved you, I love you and I'll love you forever. Your gentleman Joshua."

Jeonghan clearly has tears in his eyes, he's speechless he hadn't expected it but it warms his heart, as he's about to get up from his chair two hands land on his shoulders, the black-haired man smiles knowing full well it's his boyfriend.

" What do you think ? My surprise ? Did it please you ? "asks the copper-haired man gently.

Jeonghan shakes his head and removes his lover's hands from his shoulders so that he can stand up, once this is done he pushes the chair away from him and turns towards his boyfriend, he ties his arms around his youngest's neck and places a kiss on his lover's lips, the latter immediately accentuating this gentle kiss...
After a few seconds of kissing, the older finally pulls away from his lover's lips and rests his forehead against that of his gentleman.

" Of course I liked it, you're amazing too why are you doing this to me ? " asks the black-haired man gently.

" Because it's hard for us to express our feelings and this way I found it easier."

" You could have warned me at least."

" It wouldn't have been a surprise if I'd told you hyung."

" I want to show you how much I love you too."

" How do you plan to do that ? "

Jeonghan laughs softly, his lover does the same, then he feels two arms come to the level of his legs, his elder is carrying him in order to drag him towards their bedroom.
Jeonghan gently sets his lover down on the bed, then comes on top of him and starts kissing him gently, Joshua gently pushes his elder away with a smile.

" I wasn't planning on doing anything, I know you're tired, I'll just make sure you have a nice evening." Jeonghan says gently, running his hand through his boyfriend's hair.

" As long as I'm by your side I always have a good time. "

" I'm going to do something and you stay here is that okay ? "

Joshua nods gently, then feels his eldest rest his lips on his before leaving.
About ten minutes later, the black-haired man returns to the room with a tray and a pizza on top, and Joshua smiles wider because he loves this kind of food so much.
Jeonghan is happy to see his lover so happy, and gently sits down on the edge of the bed, inviting his lover to come and join him.

" Wait before you eat, give me your wrist. "Jeonghan says with a smile.

The younger man looks at his elder, then gives him his wrist. The black-haired man smiles softly and slips a bracelet around his lover's wrist.

" But it's..." Joshua begins.

" The bracelet my father entrusted to me, he told me when you found the right person you'd ask him to take care of it. "

" Oh, my angel ~"

" Then I'll ask you to take care of it."

" I promise my angel ~ ! "

The two lovers smile happily at each other's two surprises of the day, in the end each will have had the right to his or her surprise demonstrative of the love they feel for each other.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

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