JunShua -> Couple

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-> Bonus chapter ♥︎

From the very beginning of the group, Jun has been glued to Joshua, and everyone notices it, but they both appreciate it

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From the very beginning of the group, Jun has been glued to Joshua, and everyone notices it, but they both appreciate it. Even Joshua loves having his youngest in his arms, cuddling him with tenderness and affection.

At the moment, the members are doing a live show and Jun is on the American's lap while he gives him a little back massage.

" By the way, tonight we're changing the room arrangements." Says the leader.

" I sleep alone, I want to sleep with no one. " Says Jeonghan

" Go ahead and say you don't like anyone either, it'll go faster. " Said Minghao

" Eh, all the duo are already done, that's all. Look, Jun with Shuji, Dino with Coups, Woozi with Hoshi, Wonwoo with Mingyu, and after that it's just single rooms so." Jeonghan simply shrugs and says goodbye to the fans before heading off to settle into his room.

Seungcheol sighs and asks the members to say "Say the name" before turning off the live music, once it's off, everyone turns to Jun and Joshua.

Honestly, it's obvious that Chan and Seungcheol are going to sleep together - they're a couple, so are Woozi and Hoshi, and so are Wonwoo and Mingyu. The rest of the members are single, well, normally. It's true that Jun and Joshua don't act like friends and this seems to be getting complicated.

" You two are a couple, aren't you ? " Minghao asks.

"No, why would we be? "

" You realize that your actions are leading people to believe that you're a couple. So I'll ask you again, are you a couple ? "

" Hey, Ming' it's all about us being in a relationship. And even if we were a couple, what would that do ? Are you jealous or something ? " Jun said, standing up and walking towards Minghao.

The youngest Chinese sighs and walks away, really annoyed by the situation.
All the other members leave too, leaving Jun and Joshua alone.

The American gets up from the sofa and takes Jun in his arms, the young Chinese starts to cry softly while Joshua does all he can to console him.

" You see, even if we don't assume we're a couple, the members hate us."

" I don't think they hate us Jun, they just want us to be honest with them."

" I had a very good understanding with Jeonghan hyung and Minghao too and yet now they don't care about me."

" Jeonghan and I are drifting apart too but I don't think it's from our relationship Jun."

Suddenly, voices rang out and the members came out of hiding, they had simply been hiding behind the wall.

All the boys have their arms crossed over their chests, a cold stare and raised eyebrows.

" Well, we really had to spy on you to find out you're a couple, don't you think that's problematic ? "

" But Seungcheol hyung ! We know we're a troublesome couple, Jeonghan and Minghao don't love us anymore and..."

Jun can't finish his sentence because Joshua kisses him, just like that in front of the other members, at first the Chinese tries to push the American away but finally, seeing that the elder has no desire to let him go, he lets himself go, his previously open eyes slowly close and his hands find his lover's black hair.

After a few seconds like this, Joshua gently steps back and looks towards the limbs.

" We wanted to keep our relationship a secret because we knew it would wreak havoc. Like Jun said, we've already got two members against us, so we didn't want to have you all against us."

" We don't mind you being a couple, on the contrary, you're both very cute, but as for Jeonghan and Minghao, give them time." Says Seungcheol

" I sent a message to those two and they don't want to see you but they both explain to me why they're acting like this." Says Chan softly

" Go ahead and tell us why our couple is bothering them."

" It's not that it bothers them Shua hyung, they're just jealous."

Jun and Joshua look into each other's eyes and then back at Chan, who continues his explanation.

" Jeonghan has feelings for you Joshua and has since almost the beginning of the group, as for Minghao he has feelings for you Jun, since your first drama in China after the promotion of our album."

" Fuck, can you guys just go away for a few minutes. Jun and I need to talk."

The members nod and this time they really do leave, not hiding behind the wall, letting the couple talk amongst themselves.

Joshua really checks that the members have left, then takes Jun in his arms for a few seconds, the Chinese man returns his embrace and a sad smile comes to the corners of his lips.

" What do we do now ? "

" It's too late to back out hyung, I mean we assumed being a couple in front of the members and you even kissed me."

" Speaking of that, I'm sorry, I should have told you before, but it happened so quickly that it was impossible to warn you. "

" That's all right, but we've got to make up for our foolishness and the hearts we've broken, haven't we ? "

Joshua nods into Jun's neck and then gently moves away from him, gently and affectionately rubbing his younger son's hair and smiling at him.
The Chinese man smiles back, of course, and blushes softly as he feels Joshua's hand on his cheek.

" For some reason I really enjoyed doing this with you."

" Me too hyung, after I've always told you that my feelings for you once existed and that before I met Minghao I would have liked to have been in a couple with you."

" But now that Minghao has come into your life, he's also come into your heart and mind, and it's only with him that you want to be a couple."

Jun nods and Joshua pulls his hand away from where it was, thinking about his own feelings; it's true that he enjoyed spending time with Jun and doing this with him, but it was only purely friendly in order to make those they really love jealous.

It's about time real couples existed in this group.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

I hope this os JunShua ( not really JunShua at the end, please you ~ ) userr08012 it's for you, and i'm sorry if at the end it's not the JunShua together I hope you like it anyway ♥︎

I hope this os JunShua ( not really JunShua at the end, please you ~ ) userr08012 it's for you, and i'm sorry if at the end it's not the JunShua together I hope you like it anyway ♥︎

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♥︎ They're so cute my god ♥︎ I love them

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