ChanCheol -> Game

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Today the members of Seventeen have a concert to perform, and right in the middle of it there are games, organized by the agency and set up by their Pd nim. The boys have no idea what they're going to have to do; all they see are candy's accompanied by a wheel and a bowl.

" Okay, Seventeen. It's time for me to explain the rules of this game, S.Coups you're going to start, you're going to throw the wheel and see which limb you land on."

The eldest of the gang nods and approaches the wheel, spins it and it stops on Chan, the leader blinks and turns to his PD nim. The latter smiles gently, then resumes his explanations.

" Well, you know the principle of the Peperro challenge, and now you're going to have to do the same thing, but with candy's. I invite you to pick a challenge from the S.Coups bowl. "

" But isn't the challenge to do this ? " Asks the elder gently.

" That would be far too easy young man, spicing things up makes this game far more interesting. "

Seungcheol sighs and picks a challenge, which indicates that he will have to carry the youngest as well as perform the game, the blond man simply nods and invites Chan to come in front of him.
He asks him to jump and the youngest does so, the leader has difficulty carrying the youngest, he's no longer fourteen, and no longer has a child's body he now has a well-defined, muscular body, a real dancer's body that pushes at the gym.

" Am I heavy Coups hyung ? "

" You've put on a lot of body mass, that's all. I can still carry you, don't worry. "

Chan nods, while Jeonghan puts the candy in his mouth, and the game can officially begin. Seungcheol grabs the other end of the candy with his mouth and starts to move towards his younger brother's mouth, but once the proximity is less, the elder stops and really bites into the candy.
Normally this wouldn't bother him, but there are fans in front of him.

" You can drop him, Coups. "

Seungcheol comes down from his little cloud and drops Chan to the ground. Chan's turn comes very quickly, he turns the wheel and surprisingly it falls on Seungcheol.

" Is that faking or something like that ? "

The PD nim smiles gently and says no, it's just the destiny.
Chan picks the last challenge and this one is very explicit, he and Seungcheol kissing after the game.

" That's dead I'm not doing that. I'm not going to kiss Coups hyung ! " the black-haired boy, is outraged by this.

" Hey, I had to kiss Minghao you know. " replies Jun, who had the same challenge.

" You bet it was Minghao who came to kiss you and-"

And Chan doesn't have time to finish his sentence because Seungcheol has come to place his mouth on his, the black-haired boy, is totally shocked by this action, he doesn't understand. The elder steps back from the kiss. The PD nim announces that they can take a break, and Seungcheol goes straight to his best friend, who is seething with rage.

" Han ? What's going on ? "

" He fucking kissed Seokmin. I'm supposed to be the only one who can. Wait until I tell why this matters so much to me. "

" It's just a game. "

" I react as if... as if I had feelings for Shua..."

" Perhaps that really is the case Jeonghan. "

" I need to know for sure, ah and you wanted something ? "

" I liked kissing Chan. "

Jeonghan laughs softly, both he and his eldest definitely have some checking to do so they leave their room, and at the same time they come across Chan and Joshua chatting together, Seungcheol doesn't waste a moment, he grabs the wrist of the youngest of the band and drags him into a shower cubicle right next to their break room.
Once inside, he pinned Chan against the wall and closed the door behind them.

" Coups are you alright ? "

Seungcheol looks up at his younger, and without thinking, comes to press his lips against his younger. He was expecting the black-haired boy to push him away, slap him, shout at him. However, just the opposite happens: he takes part in the kiss, his hands playing with the older boy's hair, while his hands go under his younger member shirt, so that he can touch the black-haired boy's soft skin. Seungcheol, after exchanging several kisses with his younger, gently lowers his kisses, his mouth tenderly discovering the black-haired boy's neck.

" Coups hyung we have to be back on stage in ten minutes don't mark me. "

Seungcheol gently moves his head away from his cadet's body, his gaze coming to plunge into his cadet's.

" Why don't you push me away ? After you complained earlier. "

" I've had feelings for you since Left and right okay ? And I didn't feel like exchanging my first kiss with you in front of so many people. "

" How come you never told me you had feelings for me ? "

" Your fucking ship with Jeonghan, the disappointment of the fans, and then your feelings too, I didn't think you felt anything for me. "

" First of all, I don't give a damn about my ship with Jeonghan. Secondly, I don't care about the fans, they're not the ones who decide who I have feelings for, and thirdly. Now you know. "

To confirm this, he returns to place a chaste kiss on his youngest's mouth; both boys smile in the exchange, then pull away from each other before exiting the shower.

" Still, you could have found a better place than the shower for our first kiss. "

" I'll make it up to you tonight. Tonight you sleep with me. "

" I don't get the impression you intend to actually sleep. The way you pressed the word 'sleep '. Is very suspicious. "

" You know me well. " replies the elder, stroking his boyfriend hair.

" It's too bad for you, but I don't want to do it. "

" We'll discuss it again tonight. "

Chan laughs and so does Seungcheol. In the end, they're quite happy that this game has been set up.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

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