JunHao -> Afraid

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Seventeen is a brand-new band from Pledis Entertainment. They're quite close in age, and have made friends very quickly. All together, they're friendly and playful. Despite this solid, friendly group, leader Seungcheol has noticed some tension. Between his two cadets Jun and Minghao, even though they're always glued to each other. He decides to talk it over with his buddy...

" Chan, come and see me... "

" What's going on hyung ? "

" You don't think there's trouble between the chinese line ? "

" Jun and Hao ? Yes, I noticed but I don't know what's going on... "

" You try talking to Jun, I'll try talking to Hao..."

Chan nods and goes off to find the older of the two Chinese men. He finds him in his room, on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He slowly settles down beside him...

" Jun hyung, what's going on ? "

" Nothing Chan..."

" Your voice sounds so sad. Is it because of Minghao ? "

" It's nothing, I told you ! "

Then the young man gets up from his bed and flees the room, under the helpless gaze of his younger brother, who just lets him do it. Seungcheol, for his part, heads for the dance hall. He knows Minghao, he knows he spends his life there...

" Hao-ssi ! "

" Hyung ? "

The mentioned Hao-ssi, slumped on the floor, breathing hard, his body sweating, tears streaming down his face. Seungcheol doesn't know what's going on, but he's so worried about his friend's condition that he goes straight to his side and pulls him into his arms...

" Tell me what's going on Hao..."

" I can't..."

" What's the worry ? "

" The way other people look at hyung. I can't like him, I don't want to. "

" What the hell are you talking about ? "

" You're not that blind, are you ? "

" Yah ! "

Seungcheol slaps his arm, Minghao finds a gentle smile through his tears. He pulls his hyung closer to him, surprisingly, it's there. He, who doesn't usually like contact...

" Hao-ssi, you really need to talk to Jun-ah, it's getting heavy. "

" I..."

" Please. You are my members, my cadets certainly... But you're also my friends. I can't stand seeing you destroy yourselves like this..."

" Where is he ? "

" I don't know, only you normally know..."

" I've got a pretty good idea..."

Minghao detaches himself from his hyung's arms, a smile on his lips, then turns...

" What's the matter ? "

" Thank you so much Cheol-hyung, for everything..."

" That's normal, your happiness makes mine, go for it ! "

Minghao nods and leaves. He knows where his eldest can be, when he's not well, he always goes behind the agency to dip his feet in the river and bingo, his friend is well and truly there. Slowly, Minghao settles in beside him...

" Jun hyung ? "

" Oh it's you, Hao, what's going on between us right now ? "

" I don't know..."

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