SoonHoon -> Boyfriend

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Soonyoung and his boyfriend Minlan have been a couple for several months now. He's already told all his friends and family that he's in a relationship with a boy, but the older hasn't told anyone.

At the moment, Soonyoung is with his back against the locker at his school, his best friend at his side. The boy look at his lover, talking and flirting with a girl, he sighs at the view.

" Soon' stop hurting yourself like this seriously. "

" Hoon' what do you want me to do honestly ? I love him and I'm willing to do anything for him, even if it hurts I'm used to it. "

" Hey, honestly you've got to stop this, your energy's gone, you can't smile and jump for joy anymore. If you don't talk to him I'll do it for you, I'm sick of seeing you like this."

" No ! Please don't do anything."

" You're his boyfriend Soonyoung hyung not his dog."

Soonyoung sighs, his best friend's words resonating inside him, he knows full well he's right, but he doesn't know how to go about it he doesn't want Minlan to get brazen and they'll part.

-> At the end of the day

Soonyoung finds himself at home, with Minlan hugging him from behind. The dancer feels his heart break at this contact and Jihoon's words echo in his mind, making him cry.

" Soon-ah ? Why are you sniffling ? Are you sick ? "

Minlan stops hugging his cadet and comes in front of him, and that's when he sees his younger tired red eyes but also the salty beads rolling down Soonyoung's cheekbones.

The older one panics and puts his hands on the older one's cheeks, but the latter backs away, an action that puzzles Minlan.

" What's going on ? Why did you do this ? "

" You're really asking me that ? What the fuck am I to you, Minlan ? "

" You're my boyfriend."

" Your boyfriend ? Seriously ? I don't feel like that, being a secret couple I don't like that anymore, we've been a couple for six months, half a year. Everyone on my side knows, but no one on your side. I doubt your sincerity towards me."

" Please don't. Don't doubt, it's just that..."

" Stop it ! Fuck stop, you make excuses every time, it's seriously starting to destroy me inside I can't go on like this anymore."

" Sorry..."

" I want to give up, I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore, I'm tired of suffering. Let's stop this relationship."

Soonyoung leaves his house and Minlan doesn't even try to catch up with him, which once again indicates to the elder that the younger doesn't really love him and won't do anything to fix the situation.

The dance fan decides to seek refuge at his best friend's house, hoping that he'll be willing to take him in. When he knocks on the door, he waits a few minutes before it opens.

" Soon hyung ? Why are you here, why are you crying ? Come in."

Jihoon let his friend in and closed the door behind him, he helped his elder to the sofa and let him take a seat on the couch, he went to the kitchen to get a glass of water with lemon juice inside, he knew it was his elder's favorite drink so he prepared it and then came to Soonyoung who was waiting for him nicely in the living room.

" Soon' tells me."

" I've ended my relationship with Minlan, I think it's the best choice to make. When I told him, he didn't even catch me, he didn't even react or cry, which proves I'm nothing to him.

" I don't think you're nothing to him."

" He never loved me the way I loved him."

" That, I completely agree with you. I told Lan' it was a bad idea to give your relationship a chance when from the start he felt nothing for you."

" You knew that ? Why didn't you tell me ? "

" Because it wasn't my place to tell you."

Jihoon shrugs, and sighs he decides to take his eldest in his arms, he doesn't really like physical contact but he figures his best friend needs it.

-> A few weeks later

Soonyoung is doing much better thanks to Jihoon, who had an honest and sincere discussion with Minlan, and even though it took Soonyoung some time, he decided to agree to remain friends with the older man.

At the moment, the boy is in Jihoon's house trying to create a piece of music, his friend is there by his side, they're working on it together, it's a project they've had in common for a long time and they're happy to be able to do it at last, at the end of their composition, Soonyoung puts his head on Jihoon's shoulder and comes to encircle the younger man's waist.

Soonyoung is used to this, and it doesn't bother him because he knows that Jihoon isn't physical touch, but more words of sincerity.

" Hoon' thanks for always being by my side, since we've known each other you've never let go and let down you're the best. "

" Soon' there's something you don't know about that I've never dared to tell you."

The dancer is intrigued, so he lifts his head and just like that, the two boys' gazes merge, their hearts beat in unison and Jihoon, unable to string two words together properly, decides to do what he's been wanting to do since he first met Soonyoung.

He places his mouth against the older man's, expecting the older man to push him away, but it's he who keeps the kiss going, pressing the back of his neck and sliding his tongue into Jihoon's mouth. When the older boy's pink muscle teases Jihoon's, the boy lets out a soft moan and is so embarrassed that he forces the older boy to let go so that he can pull back and hide his flushed face.

" Hoonie ~ you're too cute."

" Um... Soon-ya will you be my boyfriend ?"

" I'd be delighted to be and you, would you agree to be my boyfriend ?"

" Yes ! "

Soonyoung smiles and grabs Jihoon by the hips to pull him closer and give him a hug, the dancer is finally happy because he's finally found the boyfriend who's right for him and who will really make him happy.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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