ChanCheol -> Impossible ?

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Chan is a very discreet student at his school, always on the side, and likes to stay in his corner, with his head immersed in his books and his mind totally rested by what he loves.

At the moment, the young boy is sitting on a low wall, his legs swinging in the air and he's looking up at the sky with music in his ears, feeling good and happy, until he hear noises louder than his music.

The young boy turns around, simply removing every other earphone, and realizes that this is a popular band, if not the most popular band in his school.

The black-haired boy knows full well that it's impossible for him and this group to bond and appreciate each other; they're too different for any kind of chemistry to develop between them.

" Cheol oppa ~ why are we here ? "

Chan rolls his eyes and sighs, the girl's voice was honeyed and hateful, plus the aura this young woman gives off is horribly false, the black-haired man doesn't like it at all so he prefers to get up and leave.

Finally, he tried to leave but an arm prevented him from doing what he wanted, Chan let out a little growl and his eyes darkened. If there's one thing he hates more than anything else in the world, it's being touched without permission.

The young man retrieves his arm and inks his gaze into the other's, really wondering why Seungcheol is stopping him and what he wants from him.

" Do you need anything hyung ? "

" I know you're one of the best students in physics, would you be willing to help me ? "

" Hyung we don't have the same grade at all, I'm four years younger than you, how do you want me to help you ? "

" Maybe if you start working on my subject you'll understand and be able to explain it to me.? "

" Hyung it's impossible for me to do my revision and your homework at the same time."

Seungcheol grunts and his gaze darkens, his eyes literally drowning in Chan's and the latter swallows hard he's always found Seungcheol's aura powerful and dominant but now that he's looking at him like this he really does feel very small.

" Chan, my precious baby ! "

When Chan hears this voice, he's reassured as he turns to see his cousin coming towards him, the older one immediately taking the younger one in his arms, the latter sighing and grunting. The older of the two steps back and laughs in embarrassment.

" Sorry, I forgot. "

" It's not important Jeonghan hyung, don't worry. "

" Why are you here ? " Ask Jeonghan to Seungcheol.

" I wanted Chan to help me with physics but apparently he doesn't have time." Seungcheol replies in a hoarse voice.

" Chan, you're a good helper, you can help Seungcheol. You know he and I are in the same class. You can easily do both."

Chan closes his eyes, in reality of course he has time, it was just an excuse because he doesn't want to spend time with Seungcheol he wants him to stay away from him and for a very simple reason.

He's got a crush on the older boy, but he knows it's impossible for them to have a friendly relationship, let alone a romantic one, so to try and forget about him he wants to stay away from him, but his cousin has just thrown him into the lion's den, so unfortunately he has no choice.

He turns to Seungcheol and agrees to help him, and at lunchtime they're going to get together to do just that.

-> After several weeks of learning / Seungcheol's exam results

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