Mutliship -> Happiness

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A group of thirteen boys who don't know each other find themselves in the middle of a park. They're all unwell, and you can see it in their faces, so without even understanding why, they decide to confide in each other and see where it all leads. The oldest of the thirteen begins...


In front of the people he loves, he lets nothing show, hiding his distress so that those around him don't worry.
He's always there for his brother, his father and his mother. He does things for his loved ones, but they do nothing for him. It's hard to believe, but his joy of living is a lie.

Unaware of his inner pain, people confide in him. For him, it's easy to advise others, but hard to advise himself.
By putting up with it, his character is forged: a lot of weakness, but the look of a strong man.

He's got no one by his side, his hopes are gone, he's got so many personal problems and so many family problems, he's got no one to talk to, he's got no choice but to keep smiling.

He ask himself the same question : What is happiness


Love doesn't smile at him. He lacks luck and confidence, disappointed every time.
He doesn't believe in fine words or love stories, he's given too much but all he wanted was his body.

Having been tricked, now too wary
When someone speaks to him, he pretends to hear, withdrawn into himself, afraid of people's gaze, his favorite time, evenings alone in his room.

Even in front of the mirror, he holds back his tears
Tells himself there's worse than him, but would so much like to pull out the blade, now an insomniac between nightmares and dark thoughts, lost in a fog between dizziness and anxiety attacks.
He can't cope any more, at the end of the abyss he wants to jump
The situation's getting worse, who can save him ?

He ask himself the same question : What is happiness


He says he's fine to avoid being questioned, but by dint of wanting to be alone without realizing it, he imprisons himself, no one sees him, no one hears him, not the kind to cry out for help, he tells himself that yesterday is long gone and tomorrow is another day.

You can see it in his eyes, you think he's fine, he keeps smiling but deep down he's hurting.
He plays a role day and night, controlling his distress, basically enduring, because deep down he's hurting, he's suffering and doesn't think anyone can give him back the dreamy, playful smile he had when he was younger.

He ask himself the same question : What is happiness


His eyes are empty, marked by dark circles.
He makes people laugh, but never laughs
People will do anything just to please him, but he's known as a loner

Even when he's around people, he looks lonely, he doesn't talk about himself but he had good advice, when you meet him, he looks elsewhere, and they say he's lonely.

He ask himself the same question : What is happiness


He becomes shy in front of people's eyes, he looks bitter and endearing at the same time, we find him discreet, we find him talkative, but others feel a void when he's absent.

You end up alone anyway, as he often says, he's suspicious of everything and even pretends to be.
People run to get his time, the promises made to him are nothing but hot air.

~ 𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘖𝘚 ~Where stories live. Discover now