JiHan -> Zombie

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Joshua and Jeonghan walk quietly hand in hand through the streets of Seoul, chatting about anything and everything until they hear a huge noise. When they turn around they see that a bus has exploded a few meters away from them, and suddenly a billboard jumps out at them.

If they get bitten in the jugular vein, they're immediately transformed, but if the wound is anywhere else, they're simply infected and can be healed.

Jeonghan turns to Joshua, who's as white as snow, his eyes locked on the bus and the fire it's spreading, then suddenly they hear growling, and monsters emerge from the bus.

" Zombies, damn it Joshua come with me now we've got to get out of here."

Joshua still doesn't react, so Jeonghan pulls on his arm and makes him run as fast as he can. It's only after about ten minutes of walking that the American comes to his senses and starts running faster than Jeonghan.

The blond man tries to catch his breath between each step he takes, but it's not easy for him, even though his stamina is good, the stress and fear are so overwhelming that he's losing his breath fast.

Joshua seems to realize that his lover can't keep up, so he slows down, which is something he shouldn't have done, because a zombie jumps out at him, the American grunts in displeasure and throws huge blows at the zombie, which finally drops him.

The black-haired man gets up and looks behind him, seeing that his boyfriend is in trouble with a zombie on top of him, so he picks up a pebble lying on the ground and throws it at the monster with all his might, which drops Jeonghan when the pebble meets his eye.

The blond took the opportunity to get up and escape, reaching Joshua's level he took his hand and they began to run together. After a few minutes of running, they come upon an open building, so they enter and barricade the entrance with shelves, tables and chairs.

The older one sits down on a chair and sighs, finally able to strike a light pose.

" Hannie-ya, we can't stay here."

" Why, we are safe now ? "

" Not for much longer look, they're forcing open the window. "

Jeonghan turns his head and sees that indeed the zombies are forcing on the window they are banging on it trying to break it and this scares Jeonghan, he gets down from his table and sees that there is a door, he takes Joshua's hand and takes the door, they land in a stairwell.

" We've got to try and block that door, then we'll be safe. "

" We've got to find a way to do it quickly-a window isn't that strong."

Jeonghan looks around and ends up finding two tables in the corner, he pushes one with Joshua's help and the other they carry together to put on top of the other.

The blond looks at the staircase and ends up taking Joshua's hand in his as they climb them together.

Once up to the second floor, they arrive in a dark, abandoned room full of dust and cobwebs. Joshua sighs and sees that there's a window, from which they can see that the zombies still haven't managed to destroy it. It's stronger than he thought.

He hears Jeonghan sigh beside him so he comes to his side and hugs him, the blond obviously returns his embrace and places lots of kisses in Joshua's hair.

" I'm so afraid the zombies will manage to infect us. "

" No, I've looked out the window, they can't break the one downstairs and the door's too barricaded for them to do anything."

" How can you be so calm in a situation like this ? "

" Hannie-ya if we were both in a panic we wouldn't make it. "

" I love you so much Shuji-ya. I don't want to lose you."

" You won't, we'll make it. We'll just have to get out of this city because it's not just Seoul that's zombie-infested. The others are healthy and full of humans."

Suddenly the two lovers hear a huge noise, Jeonghan trembles with fear but Joshua remains as calm as possible, he looks around and sees two people trembling with fear in the back of the room. The American lets go of Jeonghan's waist and takes her hand, leading her towards the two boys.

" Human beings ! We're not alone Channie-ya. Look."

" We're going to die here I can feel it."

" No, there aren't two of you now. We may be the only human beings left so we'll help each other and get out of here."

" My boyfriend is hurt in the leg, a zombie managed to bite him."

Joshua nods and pulls a small vial from his pocket, it's filled with water and the billboard advertised that water could heal so the American spills a little water on the wound and it instantly disappears.

The former wounded man thanks Joshua and the four boys set off again, deciding to climb the entire staircase and landing on the roof of the establishment. The other roofs of the buildings are close together, so you can easily jump from one to the other, so that's what the boys decide to do.

They end up on the roof of a building, but when they look down they don't see any zombies, so they decide to take the stairs and climb down. Once they reach the bottom, they don't really see any monsters, so they get out of the building and start running with all their might towards the outside of town.

It's only when they see a sign pointing to the next town that they sigh and fall to the ground in exhaustion. They catch their breath until the sound of a zombie coming straight for them, but it disintegrates as soon as they try to pass the sign.

" We're safe here. It's like our town is under a zombie-infected artificial dome and the other towns are safe. "

" For now we'll settle for living here. "

" We're staying together ? "

The boys nod and eventually get up to start walking again to find a hotel and sleep to rest from all his events.

They quickly find one and take two different rooms, Jeonghan ends up with Joshua and the two boys decide to take a nice hot shower to relax.

Jeonghan, who had his back to Joshua, finally turns towards him and comes to press his lover's back against the wall of the soft shower. Joshua starts to blush, not expecting this, and then he feels lips pressing against his own, The exchange is torrid and envious, Jeonghan slides his hands along Joshua's body and ends up squeezing the American's ass. He moans and feels Jeonghan's tongue tease his, moaning even more when his elder sucks on his tongue.

The American finally puts his hands against his lover's chest to push him away and catch his breath.

" I thought you were tired."

" I'm never tired to do this, especially since I need to take my mind off this zombie thing right now."

" I get it, zombie are not going to bother us anymore. Indulge yourself I'm all yours. "

Jeonghan smiles wryly he intends to forget all about this zombie story by sending his lover off to visit seventh heaven.

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