Jeonghan, Joshua, Mingyu -> Lucky

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Only friendship are in this os ! No romance just friend's eheh<3-----------------------------------------------<3

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Only friendship are in this os ! No romance just friend's eheh

Mingyu is a shy person, and that's why he has no friends in his school, because he hasn't dared to reach out to others, and his classmates haven't come to him, so most of the time the boy stays in his corner with a book in his hand.

Jeonghan, for his part, doesn't consider his classmates to be friends. He doesn't feel that's what friendship is all about, and people who ask you to pay every time are not friends.

Joshua, on the other hand, prefers to be on his own, due to the trauma of two people he once loved.

At the moment, the American is sitting on the roof of his establishment, writing down all his thoughts in a small notebook, and it's extremely dark.

He starts tearing the page out of his book and ripping it to shreds, irritated by his own behavior, the young man gets up and in the rush a migraine takes possession of his skull and he starts to wobble, his feet getting dangerously close to the void and just as he's about to fall, he feels arms catching him.

He landed on the ground with two boys beside him, and sighed.

" Joshua, you weren't really thinking of doing that, were you ? " asks the older boy.

Joshua turns his head towards the blond, and being tired of it all, he rests his head on Jeonghan's shoulder, Jeonghan sighs and runs his hand down the American's back.

The other boy puts his hand on Joshua's thigh and caresses it gently, the black-haired boy ends up putting his hand on top of the dark-haired boy's and their two hands naturally come to rest in each other and their fingers intertwine.

" Jeonghan hyung, I didn't think you knew my first name."

" Hey, we're in the same class, of course I know your first name. Tell us you weren't really thinking of jumping hum ? "

" I think about it, but I just can't do it."

" What's the matter ? "

Joshua's so sick of keeping it all inside he ends up telling his saviors everything, when he lived in America he had a boyfriend and a best friend and his lover cheated on her with her, when he found this out his boyfriend offered to come join their fun party for a threesome. This disgusted him and that's why he's here, away from it all. It's hard for him to trust other people again, so he keeps to himself.

The two boys are touched and when Joshua starts to cry, they start to cry too, then Jeonghan starts to reveal himself too, surprisingly he feels the need to do so.

He says he's always grown up with lies and disillusionment, his parents only see money and want to make as much as they can out of him - that's why they're training him to be a model, but that's not what he wants, he wants to be a singer but his parents won't let him.
Here at the school, the people who stay with him are just money-grabbers, not friends, and he's fed up with that.

~ 𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘖𝘚 ~Where stories live. Discover now