JiHan -> Talk

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Joshua, having been abandoned by Jun in the living room, decides to join Jeonghan. He knows for a fact that he must be in room 1004 ; since the beginning of the group, whenever he wants to sleep alone, he's been in that room. So he goes without hesitation.

Once in front of the room, he hesitates sincerely, then decides to talk to Jeonghan and explain the situation.

Without knocking, he enters the room, locks the door and takes this object with him, so that if his elder brother wants to run away, he won't be able to.

When the American enters the room, he finds his eldest sleeping peacefully in his bed. Well, he seems to be asleep, but as he knows Jeonghan, he knows full well that when he opened the door, the blond woke up at the same time. Nevertheless, he pretends to be asleep.

Joshua sighs lightly and sits on the edge of the bed, stroking Jeonghan's hair and whispering softly in the blond's ear.

" Han, let's talk together. "

Jeonghan didn't reply to this, but Joshua felt his elder's body tense up, the American is hurting, and he knows full well that he's also hurt the one he really loves. This game he'd set up with Jun was stupid and wrong, but it was the only solution he'd found to lure the ones they loved into their arms.

" Jeonghan, please talk with me."

As Joshua insists, Jeonghan finally straightens up, settles into a sitting position on his bed and waits for explanations even though he doesn't want to hear what's going on because he's afraid Jun and Joshua's relationship is real.

Joshua sighs and feels his eyes fill with tears as he sees Jeonghan's face wet with his salty pearls, his fingertips wiping away all the tears rolling down his eldest's cheekbones.

" You're right, Shuji. We have to talk. So let's do it."

Jeonghan bites his lower lip in stress, and lowers his head to the ground, Joshua comes to straighten him out gently and their two gazes lock.

" Han-ah, do you know the push and pull technique ? "

" No, what's that ? "

" It's the technique Jun and I used to get you and Minghao's attention. "

" Hmm ? What exactly does it involve ? "

Joshua swallows and really goes into the confession still his eyes in his elder's.

" You see, in the beginning I was only interested in you, I was only glued to you, I only stayed by your side all the time."

" Um, I know I liked it. I even loved it."

" I didn't know how you'd take it because you didn't react, I was afraid you wouldn't like me so I asked Jun for help."

" Joshua ? What's that supposed to mean ? "

" Since I thought I was bothering you I asked Jun to help me show you that I didn't care about you anymore because I had him. But even doing that you didn't react ! "

Joshua starts to cry, his sentence shouted out, usually he never does that but he's so desperate about the situation he's ready to express himself until the whole world stretches him.

Jeonghan, on the other hand, is completely shocked. So this was all just a game ? It wasn't serious ? Are he and Jun nothing more than friends ?
The blond was so relieved to hear this that he took Joshua in his arms.

It's true that he's not really an expressive person, verbally or physically, he's not very demonstrative. Poor Joshua must have got it into his head that Jeonghan didn't like him, so he did all this to get his attention.

What an awful, complex situation for both boys. Jeonghan couldn't understand why Joshua ignored him, and Joshua couldn't understand why Jeonghan didn't love him.

" Shuji-ah, remember that when we first met, I told you that I only gave nicknames to people I cared about. Get that into your head already, you important to me."

" I'd forgotten that, because it's been a long time now. "

" Shuji-ah, I'm sorry I made you think I didn't love you but the truth is I do have feelings for you, yes real feelings, nothing friendly but purely sentimental. My heart and mind really couldn't stand the fact that you were pulling away from me in order to get closer to Jun really it was unbearable. "

" This is the first time I've heard you really express what's in your heart. I assure you your feelings are mutual Hannie-ah. "

" I'm afraid if I don't, I'll lose you again. I don't want to lose you ever again. You're the most important thing to me."

" You won't lose me, now that we've been honest with each other we only have to love each other and I assure you that you're the most important thing to me too Hannie-ah. "

Jeonghan sighs, relieved to have made all this clear, and delicately comes to kiss Joshua, both smiling in exchange, obviously this moment they've been dreaming of, so now that it finally exists, well, they're not going to deny themselves anything.

Their mouths meet, their eyes are closed, Jeonghan's hands are on Joshua's back while his hands are in his elder's hair, wanting more the American sits on Jeonghan's legs and pulls on his elder's hair.

Without really realizing it, his pelvis undulates against Jeonghan's body, causing the elder to moan softly.

Joshua stops moving at the sound and detaches his lips from Jeonghan's.

" Let's go to sleep Shuji-ah. "

" Are you going to sleep with that ? "

Joshua points to his eldest's swollen crotch and smiles amused at the situation, Jeonghan smashes his arm and runs off to the bathroom to calm down.

The American laughs and decides to take a seat in his elder's bed, closes his eyes and a few minutes later he hears the bathroom door open.

" I'm really glad we talked together, Shuji-ah. Our relationship can finally exist. "

" What relationship ? "

" Shuji-ah, will you be my boyfriend ? "

" Sure, I've wanted to for a long time so I'm surely not going to refuse. Hannie-ah. "

The eldest smiles gently and comes to lie beside Joshua, although it's a single bed they're room for both of them, well we'll say it's mostly an excuse to be able to be glued together.

Their relationship finally exists after all this time, and it's a good thing they've managed to talk to each other, because now everything's worked out.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

JiHan version ~

JiHan version ~

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