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Natasha's POV

After a long day, I reached my bedroom and decided to take a long nap. Today, I learnt about a lot of things and I also started reading the book Hyu-Jun got me today.

Daniel didn't come back from work. Reena said he was travelling overseas because of a sudden hectic case. I still don't understand why he's working as a cop if he had plenty of opportunities to become whatever he wanted to through the course of years. 

I also missed the warmth around me.

After a long period, last night I got to sleep with Erik beside me and now, he's not here as usual. Who knows where he was...?

I lazily jumped onto my bed and closed my eyes, letting out a sigh. The comfortable silence slowly pulled me into a trance when I felt something warm but pleasant so close to me.

I softly smiled when I saw a familiar face smiling down at me in a blur. It was like I was looking into a broken glass.

" Hello, Nasha, " The sweet whisper rang around my ears to which I willingly wanted to react as if the voice was calling me.

I stirred a little and blinked my eyes open when I heard a loud knock at the door and found myself off of the comforting warmth.

I was dreaming...

Never once in my life, I had a dream that gave me no anxiety or turmoil but the warmth I've been craving for.

The knock on the door again brought me out of my trance and I quickly jumped to my feet while glancing at the wall clock.

" I'm coming... " I sang before waddling to the door and pulling it open to face my Mama.

" Sweetheart, I've something to talk with you, " he said, smiling.

" C'mon, Mama, I'm all ears, "

We walked into the room and Mama quickly stopped me.

" Listen, Sweetheart, I want to talk, "

" I told you I'm all ears, go on, "

" Have you found new friends in school? "

" Yes, Mama! His name is Ralph, a Wizard and a year older than me. But still good and funny. I'll introduce him to you soon, " I beamed remembering my friend while Mama smiled, relieved with my answers.

" I'll be waiting to meet him... " he sat me on the bed and combed my hair back to my ear, mumbling: "But I have found you from our pack. I actually wanted to introduce her to you at the ball last week but, you know, things weren't going right and I didn't get a chance to see her. She's a human too and will be attending Metaneart with you from next week. "

I blinked. A new company? A human? Attending Metaneart from next week? 

" I guess...okay, "

" To be honest, I'm not sure about her wish, Natasha. "

" I don't understand, Mama, "

He sighed but mumbled softly. " You'll do, "

And just like that, he left my room after ruffling my hair when suddenly I heard my phone going off. I couldn't help but brighten up due to the white heart that popped up on my screen.

" Hey, " I said immediately after answering while Erik on the other side just hummed. " What's up? I thought you were tired and wanted rest...but you decided to hang out? "

" No... Something came up, Natcha, " he sighed.

I fell on my bed and tried to guess the reason for his low hum while his breath only fanned on the other side.

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