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Natasha's POV

Don't know what was moving so fast that once I was in Mr Khan's cave chamber and now I was out of the campus, pressed to a tree's trunk with a heavy object– I mean a person lying on top of me, crushing me into a bone-crushing hug I didn't know I was looking for.

" Natcha! " I instantly knew who it was that I couldn't help but gasp forcefully pushing him off of me to look at him, smiling down at me.

" Omo– What the HECK!? ERIK, YOU'RE BACK?! "

" Yes, I'm. Missed me? " he asked, gently tilting his head to the side, his gorgeous grey eyes, that I missed looking into, staring back at me with adoration.

" I– I don't know... " I stammered, it wasn't soon after I felt a lump forming in my throat while I welled up with tears squirming my vision, that I unconsciously continued talking.

" Do you know how long I was alone searching for you?! No one in the freaking prison told me where they got you after you freaking got stabbed right in front of me by the crazy woman?! I–I... I was scared! I saw you dead! I saw you lying lifeless more times which finally made me decide to never get interested in even seeing you again! I kept seeing you die! Why the hell can't you protect yourself?! Are you freaking kid?! Do you freaking think you can just leave me here in crap?! "

" I missed you so much... " he mumbled.

That wasn't what I was asking for...

" But I have some explaining to do... The woman that stabbed me is your cousin, Amanda– " I quickly snorted, stopping him from doing anything further.

" I know... Dan told me the next day after they got you somewhere else alone from everyone. She was the daughter of my mother's sister...Scarlett. She's still in Thunderwelt though... So, yeah, I know. "

" Why aren't you surprised? " Erik's brows furrowed, he somewhat looked perplexed.

" Why should I? It's not like...I– I've known everything from the beginning... " I said, subtly moving away from him to take a deep breath, hoping to calm my racing heartbeat.

" Nat– " Before he could grasp my wrist, I swiftly pulled my hand when we heard a loud yawn behind.

" If you're finished, then we shall move home, love birds! " Hyu-Jun howled, walking towards us while biting back a soft grin.

" Yo, Hyung! " Erik greeted enthusiastically, running towards him.

Wait... Is that really him? Or has anyone altered him in a month or what? I don't remember his head getting injured...

" Glad to see you again... " Hyu-Jun mumbled soon after he was treasured in his little brother's arms for a bear hug. Erik nodded agreeing on the same.

" You look peaceful... " Hyu-Jun referred after a deep silence when they were hugging, to which Erik gave him a pretty gentle smile that looked like a heart or a box which I've never seen before.

" I'm relaxed. "

Author's POV

It was when a loud wailing took off, disturbing the sweet moment in between the brothers.

" KWANG NATASHA DARK MY FRIEND, I'M COMING TO SAVE YOU!! " Ralph came running with an enlarged thin pole tightly clutched in his arms that he stole from who knows where straight to Natasha.

" RALPH, STOP RIGHT THERE!! " Natasha screamed, the Kim brothers instinctively perked their heads up in alarm, quickly noticing the Metanartian running towards them.

" TARO-VA! " Erik screamed and not before a step, Ralph was stunned in his steps because of Erik's spell.

" Who the hell are you?!" Erik found himself growling at the 21-year-old, with his eyes flashing grey.

Monstrous Sarang: Ancient Mythics of UkiyoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz