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Author's POV

" Mom... Maybe we should go home and come back at's pretty cold, " Alishia mumbled, walking behind her mother, wrapped in a thick blanket. Scarlett was taking hurried steps towards a certain point in between the middle of the Southern mountain constantly wandering her eyes to spot her husband.

"  We're almost there, darling. Your sister should be here somewhere. Dad said he missed her somewhere again... "

" Mom, but this is too cold. I can't go into these places like you! Please, think about me too, "

" Darling, I know you can't adapt to the cold temperature but your sister is in a pretty serious condition. " the mother pleaded. " You said my sister's daughter said Amanda was really pregnant! "

" Do you seriously believe what he told her? " Alishia halted in her steps, her voice unintentionally raising to the extent in rage.

" Alishia, please, she's your sister— "

" Sister my bad, mom! I didn't ask for a murder like her to be my sister! I'm damn sure all those shiz were just crap! She'd never have been expecting a baby! She's a cruel monster for God's sake, who doesn't know what love is! How do you think she was able to bring a human into the world?! "

" Darling, maybe she was right all the time. " Scarlett's eyes were swelling with tesrs. " Don't you remember how she was throughout the last century? "

" Mom! Please, she's trying to fool you all! I'm going back to Thunderwelt, you can come back if you want! "

Scarlett looked dejected. She wanted to search for her eldest, at the same time, she couldn't leave her youngest to roam inside a forest at this night when she had no knowledge about anything that could happen inside the forest.

' Amanda, please... '

Daiki pleaded in the mind-link looking around the lane, completely looking awful with tears brimming eyes. He lost her again for the 16th time after finding her from the frozen lake. Amanda was stubborn, refusing to come back home with her father resulting in a run away from him. She was super fast and skilled as she was quick enough to use the ice environment against her own father.

' Why don't you listen for once?! I know you're here! ' Daiki started running around to sniff her scent lingering a pathway.

' Amanda! '

' Amanda! '

' Please! ' he couldn't run anymore. His knees felt weak as he slowly tumbled down on his knees with a shaky breath, his foamy eyes still wandering around in hope for a slight glimpse of his daughter.

' Ma-ma, please... Please, come to me... " he choked a sob. He couldn't keep it all in anymore.

" I won't tell your mother, please... Please, come to me, Ma-ma, please, where are you?! ' he broke down crying aloud in hope she might finally come around at least in pity.

But he found no response from his daughter. She was long gone, long gone into another frozen lake, running away from her empty feelings.


" Mommy, mommy, where are you? "

" I wanna see you, mommy... "

" Daddy!! Where's mommy?? "

" Mommy?! "

" Mommy! "

Erik ripped his eyes open, nearly jolting up from the bed but stopped when he felt the soothing stroke on his cheek.

" Bad dreams, huh? " Natasha asked sleepily stroking his cheek, softly eying him. He looked shocked. He didn't think he'd actually fall asleep.

" Yeah... " Erik hummed only seeing her still half-asleep when he gently looked around the brightened room, which indicated that it was already morning.

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