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Author's POV

Mr Lynx finally had a content look after confirming all the books were closed. He directed his eyes to the students, who were equally interested and some of them half-sleepy as always.

" Okay, can anyone tell me when the Ezra's fire took place? "

A towering third-year student on the first bench immediately raised his hand and toppled all of the other second-year students, who were either beside him or behind him, followed by a couple of groans and yelps because of his sudden movement.

" In 6016 BNE which is 1016 HE. " he was so quick to answer.

Once Mr Lynx nodded, the students found themselves clapping to the third-year student but before Mr Lynx or anyone could say something, a voice, which sounded slightly low and almost half-asleep, crept through the applause.

" It happened 11 years ago, "

While the entire class was silent due to the sudden voice as if trying to search for the person, Mr Lynx too squinted his eyes to the back knowing it was directed definitely from the back but still couldn't spot the one, who answered, nevertheless, he nodded agreeing with the answer.

" Though I should say that the first answer was practically right, the second one was the exact answer to the question. "

The class was yet again filled with claps while Natasha silently turned her head to look at Ralph, who was now leaning on the bench with his eyes still closed as if he was sleeping.

Mr Lynx turned to the board as he wrote: BNE - Beginning of New Era
HE - Human Era

" So, students, Ezra's fire wasn't actually the first in history. It was 1016 HE when the first fire took place in Ajuliyan near the capital, Paliconal. The very first incident wasn't known among the living as it was a small fire and didn't get into a massive one. But the first fire caused a small impact on the Ajuliyan people who also happened to be the reason for all of the fire happened after that. "

Someone in the west raised their hand, looking half-confused.

" Why were they the reason for the fire if it didn't have an impact on the people? "

" Because they started it as a ritual in the Ajuliyan tribe. "

" Seriously? Firing the surroundings was a practised ritual? " Natasha found herself shutting her mouth as soon as possible when she heard her voice gracing the very silent class as half of the students turned their heads to find the girl.

" They sure did, " Mr Lynx mumbled, spotting the pair of widened baseball-sized eyes, directly staring at him with fright. " Ms...Kwang? Is that you? "

Natasha certainly didn't know who Ms Kwang was as she took a whole two minutes to bring herself to answer the question after she finally remembered she was Ms Kwang.

" I-yeah... Yeah, I'm, sir! " she rose immediately standing up on her tippytoes.

Mr Lynx nodded, signing her to take her seat back.

" Who's she? I've never seen her in History before...but Mr Lynx seems to know her, is she some type of- " A third-year student, whispered to her partner which was soon cut off when Mr Lynx cleared his throat.

" It's hard not to remember the day she got inside the campus for the first time, Ms White, of course, I know her. "

" Why what happened? "

Seemed like Ms White was interested in the topic to which Mr Lynx surprisingly gave her the answer without biting her head with attitude.

" It was when the Headmaster had to do something unexpected in the middle of the campus. " after answering shortly, he quickly went back to the class. " Never mind the situation, we'll go back to the class, so, the Ajuliyan people practiced it as a ritual from the very beginning by setting a portion of a land on fire. "

Monstrous Sarang: Ancient Mythics of UkiyoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora