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Natasha's POV

It was Erik's birthday!

The first birthday he was supposed to celebrate with me. But I got to know about this fact when we were an hour away from the next day.

" Did you purposely take the long route or what?! Why didn't you tell me it was your freaking birthday today?! " I was already out of my mind.

" Natcha, calm down. " he was trying to grab my moving hands but I slapped it away, quickly.

" We were on the bridge at 6 but reached the pack at 11! What were you doing for 5 hours?! "

He looked at me with a what-do-you-expect-when-we-walked-here look. Yeah, we walk— He walked while I slept in his arms. How long did I sleep? Did he stop somewhere? Did he purposefully drag us late so that I'd not know his birthday? But why would he want me to not know about it?

" Stop your little brain, Natcha. " Erik gently bonked my head with his fist. " I forgot my birthday too. Who remembers birthdays when it's been coming again and again in 3 long millennials? It's just Appa who remembers all of them. "

I shot him a glare. He just can't use this I-forgot card now.

" I'm your mate, Kim Erik Taison, you idiot! I'm supposed to know your birthday. Don't you know mine? "

" I do. It's 12th of May. "

I wanted to protest now. My eyes were burning red. How could he know mine while I wasn't informed about such a—

" Woah, woah, didn't we agree to pretend we were all fine a few minutes ago? " wrapping his arm around my waist, he pulled me closer to his chest. " We still have thirty to forty minutes though. "

I suddenly brightened. I still had time but what am I supposed to do now that I still had time? I prepared nothing. I should've been informed about it earlier. I should've been told to encounter this day.

" Your brain is running too fast, Little Bun. Slow down... " Erik squeezed my waist, his nose gliding on a part of my skin on my neck. I tilted back, wrapping my hands around his neck. " I've never celebrated my birthday. "

" Why? Not even once? "

" Don't remember about the first five years of my life but after 6 or 7, I began losing dates and birthdays didn't matter much since. "

" But... "

Erik caressed my cheek and looked into my eyes. " It's okay. I don't celebrate my birthday. But I'm grateful. I got to spend this day with you. "

" Then I'll make sure you spend all your birthdays with me. " I beamed and grabbed both his cheeks with my hands. " Make it as a gift from me for your...what's your age again? "

Erik smiled muttering it was close to 4370 something.

" Whatever. Let's make my promise your gift for 4370 something age! "

Erik suddenly stiffened and opened his mouth to say something before a small fairy entered my sight, glowing so bright, with glistening orange ember wings.

" Woah, Raven, why are you so bright? " I blinked hard, unable to focus on anything.

All I was able to make in the light was that Raven was moving up and down, frantically, moving her wings along with her.

" You've made a promise, Natcha. " Erik said. " Whenever you make a promise, your Promise Fairy is responsible for claiming it and the fairy will assist you to keep saving the promises. "

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