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"You're his father! " said Seojwan, the First Royal of Ukiyo.

" Can we stop growling? He's sleeping, " The voice of a woman asked, trying to ease the rising tension.

" No! I'm still on the topic, "

" We can! "

" You can't accept it! "

" I can! You'll do too. "

" No, of course, not! 

" Please, don't do it. please, please. We can do something, we can look for something. Please, let me think... "

" I can't! Why can't you understand? His life will be hell if anyone gets to know about him! "

" Even if you leave him rot alive in street, my child will live a life as hell! "

" Do you think I'll abandon my pup like that?! " The growl was the last thing that exploded around the cottage closely followed by a newborn child's cry.

With the wailing of the newborn baby, the cottage was suddenly engulfed in an eerie silence while the only sound that danced around the region was the noise of the thick breeze flapping around the atmosphere.

" Daddy's sorry, Bubba, so sorry, " The manly voice that boomed through the entire cottage now whispered almost inaudibly caressing an infant with much love.

" Daddy will never abandon you, baby. Daddy will never do that, he'll be dead even before doing it to you and your mom, " The infant adorably fisted his thumb with his whole hand softly purring, going back to sleep with the warmth of someone he needed at the moment.

Followed by a small whimper behind the pair, the silence continued comfortably planting different emotions in each of their minds, who were also there standing far away from the infant.

" Basic lessons on your first week. Long long ago, nearly 25,000 years ago, there were one God and two Goddess sisters, who came out of the ring of dimensions to create an entire world by themselves, " said the paler man, his hands often pushing back the square spectacles closer to his eyes that was narrowly looking after the students in dark blue robes, who were half-asleep and half-active in the class. 

" Can any one of you name the God and Goddesses? " he asked with a swift stare directed to his students, who were slowly dozing off.

" I think I can, Mr Austin, " A first-year student stood up with his hands stretched straight.

" Austin is my first name, call me Mr Lynx and go ahead, " Austin Lynx said, narrowing his eyes on him.

" Oh, yeah. The God is Athanasios, then the sisters are Georgia and Hera, " The student said, while Mr Lynx nodded.

" Well done. Ms Shashtri, name their positions, " Mr Lynx stared over at Aadhya Shashtri, a 21-year-old girl from the third year, who immediately spiked upon hearing her name.

" Pardon, Mr Lynx? "

" Tell me their positions, Ms Shasthri. "

" Well, Athanasios, The destroyer, God of energy.

Georgia, The preserver, Goddess of life.

Hera, The enchantress, Goddess of protection. " Aadhya said, getting a nod from Mr Lynx before he stared right at her with a scowl.

" Never talk in my classes again, "

Aadhya quickly nodded sitting up straight to continue the basic lesson she had been attending for the last two years.

" So... When they formed a life, it wasn't that simple to shape one. All three of them combined their powers to make the first living of Ukiyo. Georgia, the beautiful and kind mother of all gave vitality, while Hera, the elegant and robust woman, protectress of all, gave magic adding to Athanasios, the strongest God of all, granted stability that formed a beautiful world. " Mr Lynx explained.

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