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Author's POV

Wonhae walked inside his silent chamber.

He had spent a few hours with the rest of the family after a long month of preparation for the Jeev Festival. He only gifted them a soft smile when they asked about Jwan locking himself inside their chamber —except for the time he limited for the pack duties— and assured them that everything would be alright.

" Why weren't you in dinner? " he asked, softly, walking towards the large bed.

Jwan lifted his head from the headboard to look at his mate, mutedly. They stared at each other for a few minutes, wanting the other to break the slowly forming silence to escape from the other's racing urges.

Jwan wanted answers from Wonhae. Wonhae wanted to run away from them as much as he could.

Wonhae slowly caressed the other's cheek and sighed.

" What do you want, Love? "

Jwan caught his moving fingers and pulled him to sit on the bed before him.

" It's been a month, Won-ah. " he breathed. " You brought me back home. We were almost at rest for a week but within a week, you left for the packhouse. I was needed in the preparation for the Jeev Festival. We were running from home to pack house and back home for the past week. After a month, you ask me what I want even though you know all I expect from you now is clarifications.  "

The Male Omega was urging the Alpha to open up, telling him how he returned to a healthy state again and there were no chances for him to go blind with rage or fear again just because he'd get to learn about everything.

Wonhae tilted his head with a chuckle. He squeezed his mate's hand.

" Maybe because I don't want to face what's behind your confusion yet, Love. "

When Wonhae turned his head to the side, Jwan forcefully turned him back to meet his eyes.

" Fine, I wanted to spend a Jeev Festival with my mate and children peacefully. Tell me, when have we last celebrated Jeev with all our children? Do you even remember which was the last one Ray celebrated? To add more speciality, Natasha, Reena, Laura and Dahlia are with us this year and you told me we'll be welcoming a new kid to our family. How are we supposed to miss this day when such a—

Jwan sighed, slapping his hands away from his face. " You do know you're poor when it comes to blabbering things, don't you, Won-ah? You're no better than Ray. If you want to escape from a situation, you both follow the first rule to be as silent as a volcano or the second rule to talk about things without breathing until I believe your lies. "

The Alpha didn't oppose his mate. He rubbed his neck and decided to stare at his fingers still clutching the corner of Jwan's sleeves.

" Here you go silent like a volcano. " huffing loudly, Jwan was about to snap away from the bed before Wonhae pulled him back on the mattress again.

" Please, Love. I truly want to spend this Jeev with you and our family. " before Jwan could bite him alive like a devil, he added. " Let's forget everything for a few days more. Please... "

Looking down at their now clasped hands, Jwan breathed a forced sigh to calm down.

" Will you let me go back after Jeev, then? "

His mate nodded after a few minutes of calculating silence.

" Only if you let me follow you. "


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