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Author's POV

It was almost the time of dusk when the door to the packhouse was knocked.

Ziochung, who had just returned home after training young children of the pack, walked to the door and opened it to reveal his brother-in-law, Luna of the pack, on the other side. He respectfully bowed to the elder and opened the door wide for Jwan to enter and closed it behind him.

" Why is everything so quiet, Zio? " Jwan asked.

He didn't seem like he had taken his bike from Thunderwelt since Jwan didn't prefer riding his bike without Wonhae on his back. But the slightly uneven breathing boosted Zio's concern.

There must be something wrong for the Luna of the pack to come here at this hour and also by foot.

" People are preparing for the Jeev Festival, Luna. Alpha had set warriors to guard the borders from time to time. "

" What about the Youkais? "

" They... " Zio trailed, clueless.

He hadn't seen them anywhere and by the looks of it, he could only think they were strolling the woods again.

" Did they really leave? " Jwan gulped a painful clog down his throat before he turned to look at Zio.

Jwan needn't have to be told twice since the heavy silence wrote many more untold stories about the Youkais to him, now. He had no idea where Daiki was and Alishia was nowhere to be seen in the last week. He didn't even try to think about Scarlett and the chaos she caused a few days ago.

Sighing into his palms, he told Zio to not disturb him and walked away to the office room of his Alpha in the packhouse.


After the tiring Monday came to an end, Hyu-Jun, finally, was able to return to his Headquarters. With a sigh, he slowly walked inside his cabin only to halt at the sight of one of his younger brothers sitting on a couch, exhausted.

" Hyung? " Jison lazily looked up at his big brother and hung his head low again.

" Why are you here? "

Jison exhaled heavily and chose to stay silent until Hyu-Jun pressed a hand on his shoulder.

" Ray Hyung didn't come today too. "

Hyu-Jun rolled his eyes to the back and settled on his rolling chair to look at the dark ceiling. " Where did he even go? "

Jison only shook his head. Jison didn't know. Neither was he.

Rayon had disappeared from existence many times in the last twenty years but every time, at least, one of the Kim siblings knew what he was up to.

But not once in the last twenty years, he had disappeared without a trace.

In the last two weeks, it almost seemed like Kim Ray Taison nearly erased himself and no one knew about his whereabouts.

His mate, Natasha, was going insane every day and his Appa was slowly losing his patience every time he saw the Kim siblings coming back home without him.

Hyu-Jun and Tenison had to deal with Rayon's missions alone while Jison had to run the company over again and Jackson almost was running to Earth and back home every day in search of him.

They were not even sure when Daniel had a peaceful rest last time.

Reena was extremely tensed and Daniel's absence didn't help it while Ji somehow found herself in between too many troubling nightmares out of nowhere.

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