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Author's POV

Jwan and Laura were walking side by side in the clearing, the sun slowly resting on West. Laura was attentive to the Luna's every move and found it very fascinating to see no change in his breath as they'd been walking for fifteen to twenty miles to the least.

They exchanged a few words, often, though she'd stare at him zone out into a trance or converse with his wolf in his mind, looking at no point around the land.

She was only thankful for Jwan to be able to keep his heart at bay due to them being too close to the place he despised so much.

They just passed around the mountain a few minutes ago.

With a soft smile, she called Jwan to get him out of his thoughts.

" We are here. "

Jwan blinked and looked around. All he could see was snow on one side and some trees away from the snowy border on the other.

But when he felt a change in the air, he sensed a humming energy of a powerful essence somewhere around him and similiarly, Laura turned to the respective side and pointed at it. Jwan's eyes turned sharper to focus on the point as the humming intensified and his blood slowly called it closer.

In no time, Jwan's eyes twisted a mix of electric blue and igniting grey as he walked to the sparkling invisible wall right before Laura.

" Alameth of Zraa... " he said, an unknown source of energy —he might call it his blood— surged through his veins as his powerful aura spread through the air. " Show yourself. I mean no harm. "

Amazed at the shivers running down her spine, Laura was awed at the Luna gently calling for her mentor in the breeze, his gentle words being held by the wind sent by her mentor.

" Greetings to you, Your Royal Majesty. " chimed an old voice and a lady, barely in her late forties, emerged away from a shimmering light and gently courtesied before Jwan.

Alameth of Zraa, the only remaining member of Custos, flashed a gentle smile to the Royal Vampire as he reflected her the same before she glanced at her disciple, gifting her a wink.

" You haven't aged since ages, Lady Alameth. " Jwan chuckled, feeling the essence of warmth embracing them as the invisible wall he had stretched far slowly wrapped their surroundings.

Lady Alameth's eyes twinkled as if they were some stars, her hands fluttered in the air. She silently gazed at the wolf and politely showed him her cosy cottage, welcoming them with a warm heart.

After Jwan nodded, Laura followed the elders inside the cottage. They settled on a small wooden couch and accepted the ceramic mugs of coffee, which came flying to them.

Laura happily beamed a thanks as she was one of the greatest fans of Lady Alameth's coffee and focused herself on the mug. Holding the mug close, Jwan looked around the small house and sensed no ounce of magic anywhere almost as if the woman living in the house was nothing more than an ordinary human.

Lady Alameth kept on her feet, a few inches away from the couch, her eyes glued on the male, who looked serenely calm yet beheld multiple wars in his mind.

" Were you waiting for me, Lady Alameth? "

Laura halted and looked over at her mentor to find her staring at the Royal, who had his eyes focused on the untouched coffee.

" If you want to know...then I'd say, yes, Your Royal Majesty, " she answered.

Jwan raised his eyes to meet the Elder, who broke into a soft smile when his eyes dilated and turned to the bright grey as always, the blue of his wolf slowly drifting to the side.

Monstrous Sarang: Ancient Mythics of UkiyoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang