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Author's POV

Natasha was in her bedroom playing with little Yeon as he kept giggling whenever she pointed her wand at him in an attacking pose and he crossed his hands in a defensive pose. It was almost late at night, the mother-daughter Youkai went to sleep early yet the other girls were playing to entertain the wolf cub, who suddenly woke up due to a bad dream: in which he saw himself getting eaten by a very big big dragon as how Yeon described it.

" I'm going to take all your nana milk, officer bunny! "

" Officer bunny is going to stop you, bad witch! " Yelled Yeon.

" While I'm going to act dead! " Laura tumbled to the ground causing both of them to burst out in giggles. Laura smiled seeing them lying on the bed.

" You know what?! You guys should add me in, I'll make a good vampire! " Ji whined from the corner with a small pout accompanied by Reena on the ground who was busily giggling into her phone.

" You're not coming in, Ji, " Natasha got from the bed tickling Yeon in the sides, his loud giggles echoing inside the room.

" This is not fair, Nash, she's been giggling at her mate's pictures ever since she came in! I've nothing to do! So add me in! "

" No, no, you're not coming!! " They were laughing loud when the door to the room sprang open revealing none other than Jwan.

" Oh, you guys are playing? " he asked as if he didn't hear them throughout the corridor laughing and playing louder than ever, " Okay, I'm leaving home for a while, so, go to bed on time, I'll be back by the morning. "

" Father, Dark said he was going somewhere tonight. The same goes for Tenison and Jackson and both Rayon and Jison hadn't come home since morning. Where are you guys going all of a sudden? " Reena gave him a sceptical look as it wasn't usual for the men of the house to let the women all alone in the home. " I assume, you're taking Alpha with you. "

" Hyu-Jun also said he has a meeting tonight! " Natasha piped up remembering the older's comment.

" We're going to the same meeting, girls. You'll be safe tonight, no worries. Zio will be here in an hour, besides Janet is also home and– " 

" She never leaves her room! How are we supposed to believe she's in charge, father?! " Ji whined getting up from the floor.

" –your Alpha also has asked Brent to guard the castle. " Jwan finished giving a look to his vampire-daughter, " And you, my girl is older than anyone else here. You yourself are enough to guard all of you, yet, I'm still leaving people to watch on you, it's because I don't believe in your powers. Reena dear, I didn't mean you and Laura dear, of course, I didn't mean you too, "

Ji only pouted hearing his reply while Natasha too pouted knowing why he was looking at her with an understanding smile.

" I won't leave the castle, mama, don't worry, "

Jwan smiled and departed after bidding them goodbye to go see his mate, who was already getting ready in the backyard of their castle standing with a motorcycle beside him. Jwan eyed him a second and chuckled.

" Oh, you're here already? Yeah, then c'mon, let's go, here! " Wonhae handed him a helmet and shoved the key inside Jwan's palm, patiently waiting for him to hop on the bike. Jwan rolled his eyes but wore the helmet as told and hopped on his old motorcycle accompanied by his mate from behind.

" Grab tight, "

" You don't have to remind me, love " Wonhae chuckled.

They took off within a blink as the glowing night sky gave them away towards the headquarters.

Monstrous Sarang: Ancient Mythics of UkiyoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant