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Author's POV

Jwan didn't remember his blood bubbling this intensely forever.

Alameth of Zraa, the last member of Custos, the one whom his Grandmother, Evangeline Mary, had to sentence to be taken down from power since the other 8 members of Custos were slaughtered by the Merciless Queen, Lolana Abigail.

" She's still alive...? "

" Yes. Alive and kicking. " Laura smiled at Jwan's eyes turning almost dazed. " And very annoying sometimes. "

" she... I mean— Ala— " Jwan could find no words to talk about what was in his mind. He was stammering through his dates of painful memories.

" She's doing absolutely fine. One wouldn't believe she's going to hit 10,000 years or more next year. "

Even though Laura meant it only in a funny way, Jwan remembered his own years of life and never once he managed to make her a visit. What Jwan remembered before the last 7000 years was that Alameth, the old lady yet the youngest of the Custos, was cheerful and righteous.

Jwan knew she stood for the Ryunz Royal, Azalea Darwell, before the war but her actions were paid no attention by others and in the end, she had to pay for their actions which resulted in the outbreak of the Battle of Ombra.

The guilt consumed him alive. Alameth lost one of the important parts of her life because of his Grandmother.

Even though it was mainly the actions of the other Custos which caused the worst outbreak of the war and their conspiracy against the Royals of both Demon and Ryunz, then, Evangeline Mary had to sentence Alameth to a lifetime dismission from her post.

Conspiracy to slaughter the Royal mates one among them being their own Royal Highness, Azalea Darwell, didn't ease their hatred and fright over the powerful couple for the Custos.

After a long silence, Jwan breathed a choked sigh and earnestly looked at the young witch before him.

" I'll go with you to meet her, Laura. "

Laura beamed, energetically. " It's very easy to meet her compared to others, Your Majesty. "

" Yeah... Ryunz became secretive after the battle. " Jwan agreed, nodding. " We can hardly meet the Elders at times... "

" They don't trust any of us after what happened even though it was them who started everything in the first place. "

Jwan gave attention to Laura's distaste for Ryunz. " You are talking about the Battle of Ombra? "

Laura nodded before she clicked her tongue what Jwan assumed was to avoid laughing in vain. " You know a lot about the Battle than I could ever learn from the written down history. "

" No... Of course, I'm, certainly, not the person who knew about that battle. " his eyes returned to Amanda's resting body and stayed there. " I was neither a Prince nor a Wand-wielding sorcerer back then. "

Jwan couldn't be surprised at how the bloody images of the said battle could course through his eyes at no time as if they hadn't been buried deep deep deep down under the layers and layers of the silence that prolonged after it.




Besides these unforgettable scars on Jwan's memory, all he could remember about the crucial 7 years were the broken cries, screams, wails of pain and children crying for help.

" All I could do with a dagger and a wand in my hand was save children and myself... I had to run. I was forced to run with the responsibility of the entire Vampire Royalty fixed on my shoulders. " he spat the words, a nameless trance occupying his eyes as if he had stopped recognising anything before him. " I ran... I tried to protect they... "

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