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Author's POV

The falling flame inside the tiny glass swayed, bringing forth the faint voice of the woman to ring for the sixth time in his ears.

" During the Battle of Ombra, many went into hiding to survive Royal Highness Lolana's wrath. With no memories, you wouldn't recognise them and not everyone could answer the questions concerned with them. "

Wonhae was worriedly staring at his quiet mate in a corner among his old journals, which he had barely managed to continue throughout the years, searching for something.

Jwan hadn't talked more about what had happened in the cottage a few days ago. When Wonhae handed him the records from Hunter Graves, Jwan's cousin, Jwan showed no emotions to his mate and accepted the records.

Unfortunately, the records weren't a help to his unknown questions.

" With no memories, you wouldn't recognise them "


Jwan never thought how these vague pictures of the unwanted past would play such a radical role in one's life. He knew he had, initially, lost chunks of his memories throughout the centuries whenever he had gone to the run —for three days straight— out in the woods as a complete Vampire.

A Royal Vampire as Jwan, with a strong wolf under a facade, needn't have to take these visits often because of his enormous control over his blood. But Jwan had profusely taken them to wantedly forget some miseries.

" Not everyone could answer the questions concerned with them "

What did she mean? Why can't an individual answer his question if this was about—

Then was she forced to not answer his questions? The question had halted Jwan's thoughts.

In Ukiyo, there could be no soul intelligent than Lady Alamath, according to him. She would've known by every inch on why he came to her and what he was searching for.

What if Lady Alameth couldn't answer his questions due to something else that he couldn't really think of?

Lady Alameth knew something. He could only conclude it did have something to do with his son, Kim Ray Taison.

" Love... Look at me, " Wonhae stood before him.

But Jwan's eyes were only staring at him, his conscious had gone somewhere too far away to recognise his mate's presence.

" Love, come to earth. My Luna...hey? " he shook him with a sigh.

Jwan flinched only now seeing Wonhae this close but slipping the shock aside, he stood up, stepping away from his mate to the nearby walk-in closet.

Wonhae, puzzled, looked at him walking into the closet only to return after a few minutes with something Wonhae had forgotten Jwan owned.

A very old leather jacket.

A garment Jwan used during his 200s when he was roaming around the icy mountains, all alone, admiring the magnificence of nature.

He paced around their bedroom and successfully, located his motorbike's keys on a hook. Wonhae sensed the calmness of Jwan's wolf and became alert in no time.

" Where are you going? "

Jwan slipped into the jacket and looked behind his shoulder. " To the mount. "

" What? "

" I should stop running away from my past. " Jwan said oh so calmly, his expressionless face sending shivers to Wonhae.

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