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Author's POV

Raven stared at the shocked Ben, thoughtfully, since it almost looked like he looked familiar to her. Natasha, baffled, looked at both Ben and Raven, wondering how it was possible to revive Raven if she wasn't who summoned her in the first place.

" Ben... Can I revive her if she was summoned by my mate? "

Ben drifted his eyes to the human, ready to shake his head immediately.

A Promise Fairy could never be revived by none other than the summoner her promises were concerned with. The Sacred Bond of Mates also had limits when it came to some things which included the ancient creation of Promise Fairies. 

" Have you found your mate? " But Ben asked the unexpected with an unreadable expression which could've surely creeped out Natasha if she hadn't had her eyes on the ground.

" Yeah... "

" What's his name? "

Natasha pulled herself out of the trance with a sigh and said his name.

" Kim Erik Taison. "

Ben nodded before he turned to the fairy, who was hiding behind Natasha's head, hugging her.

" I think it's something connected to him. I'll see for myself, Ben. " Natasha mumbled to herself and shied the doubts away before she settled down with her notebook. " I have two hours now. After 3 PM, Ralph got Major History today. "

" Then, let's make these two hours productive as much as we can. " Ben beamed causing Natasha to smile.

" Ben, do you know there are dungeons under Metaneart? " she suddenly blinked and didn't fail to notice Raven stiffening on her head and her soft nuzzles coming to a halt.

" Last time I checked, they were under nobody's control. Why ask now? Is there something wrong with it? How do you know about them? "

Natasha was amazed to find it was indeed true.

" No. No, I've heard it from a classmate a few days ago. They said it was guarded by... Nebulas or something... "

" Nebnoraks, child. They're the protectors of the dungeons. " Ben chuckled but lifted his finger to tap on his chin, thinking loudly. " But these informations are very complicated. How students can find it in this century...? "

" They're still hidden, I guess. But some girls here, who call themselves the followers of this Akio guy apparently had sneaked inside a few times. "

The name, for sure, sparked both Ben's and Raven's interest. Ben's eyes glinted while Raven's darkened on the other hand.

" They're still talking about my student?! " he squeaked like a proud mother hen, almost jumping a few inches in the air, surprising Natasha.

" Your student? Akio was your student? "

" Yes, outstanding of mine! He's the only student, who managed to break through the dungeons and several other secret passages of Metaneart, which are still hidden for even the strongest of eyes. He also made the world believe that a hazardous Astreaz can be harmless and advantageous to mages. The very first champion of the school, who won against hundreds of Wizards in the annual evolutions. Akio was an excellent student of Major Biology and excelled in Enchantment. He had won several championships through his 9 years at Academy. He made the first Astreaz which still proves to be one of the most... "

Monstrous Sarang: Ancient Mythics of UkiyoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin