"He can't-" "Why not?" Aziyraphaile cut his aunt off, he couldn't believe that she dared to deny her son being a death eater in front of the dark lord. "He's sixteen." She said pleading with him to not make Draco into a death eater.

"I was sixteen when I joined, Alexandria is sixteen and she is one, Blaise is sixteen and he is one. I don't see what age has to do with any of this." He pointed out, and he was right. You become a death-eater when you are sixteen or older if the dark lord says you join, you join. There is no rejecting it, if you do, you die. Simple.

Narcissa didn't know how to respond to that, she didn't want her son becoming a death-eater she didn't want any of them to one, yet she knew that she didn't have a choice in the matter. "Call this karma," Aziyraphaile said and began to smirk.

"Karma?" Lucius said confused, "You turned me in!" Aziyraphaile shouted and slammed his hand on the table making everyone flinch, Regulus grabbed Cassiopeia's hand immediately and Celeste did the same with Draco. Barty, Severus, Alexandria, and Blaise all stepped away from Aziyraphaile.

"You two are the fucking reason why I was hunted down by Aurors, you're the reason why I wasn't able to leave this fucking manor. It's also why I decided to show my face in the fucking department of mysteries!" With every word he said he took a step closer to his aunt and uncle.

As he was in front of Lucius he grabbed his face harshly in his hands which was bound to leave a bruise. "I'm not asking this time, Draco will become a death-eater whether he wants to or not." He shoved Lucius back forcefully, He stumbled and fell on the floor groaning in pain as his head slammed against it.

"Ziyra please," Draco begged his cousin as he seized his left forearm in his tight grasp, he could feel the coldness that radiated off of his hand making him wince. "I want you to think about whose fault this is, your father joined when he was a child, he failed to retrieve a prophecy that my father had to grab, and he turned me in..." Aziyrapahile began to pull Draco's sleeve up.

"Every time you look at the mark I want you to remember that it is not my fault that this is happening to you, it's theirs." He then placed the tip of his wand on Draco's forearm, not moving as he began to scream in pain.

Marvolo gave him access to be able to mark people with the dark mark, it was to show Aziyraphaile that Marvolo trusted him enough to let him mark people without him.

Lucius and Narcissa were holding onto Celeste to make sure that she didn't have to also get the mark, Narcissa was crying silently while holding Celeste, and Alexandria was looking at Celeste in pity but she also knew that she'd have to be one soon as well, being a death-eater isn't bad.

Alexandria liked being one she liked the missions they went on, even if she had to kill and torture it was the best part anyway, she also knew that Blaise thought the same. Regulus was squeezing Cassiopeia's hand tighter that she wanted to slap him, but she also understood why he was doing it.

Draco's screaming got worse by the second, it made him seem very weak since he was the only one who screamed out of everyone in the room who had gotten the dark mark. "Five more seconds and the mark will be done." Aziyraphailetold him to get him to stop trying to pull his arm away.

Draco nodded his head and stopped screaming choosing to bite on his lower lip instead, five seconds passed and it felt like more to him but it was finally over. Aziyraphaile pulled his wand away from his arm and took a step back, Draco could still feel the stinging sensation on his forearm as he held it close to his waist.

"Welcome Draco Malfoy you are now one of us." Marvolo nonchalantly said not interested in the situation anymore. Draco nodded his head as his mother placed a hand on his cheeks to wipe away his tears, "Celeste, you get yours in two days." Alexandria said and she may have said it a bit more enthusiastically than intended.

"What?!" Narcissa and Lucius shouted, they already had to have Draco become one but now Celeste. "Uhh-" Alexandria looked at Aziyraphaile who rolled his eyes, "you both turned me in meaning that there have to be two punishments one for you dear Aunt Narcissa, and one for you Uncle Lucius."

Barty openly laughed at Lucius's face, he didn't like him for denying his loyalty to the dark lord and the fact that he said he was under the imperious curse. "Shut up Bartemius." Lucius sneered at him, Barty stopped laughing and glared at him, "You shut up traitor."

"Enough!" Marvolo said, as much as he was enjoying their fighting and wanted to see them curse each other they needed to get back on track. Lucius and Barty both looked at Marvolo and bowed their heads, "sorry my lord." They said together.

"Now the mission I want you Severus to go on with Aziyraphaile is to capture three ministry workers I don't care who they are just make sure they have information about everything in the ministry, I want to know their weak spots, I want to know every weakness the ministry has." Severus nodded his head, he didn't want to do it but he had no choice.

"Severus you may leave but I want you here tomorrow to do this mission." Marvolo warned him, "Yes my lord." Marvolo motioned with his hand and Severus apparated away.

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