Alternate Stick of Truth Finale - Bonus Unlocked: Day 4

Start from the beginning

New Kid then has to unite ALL the forces of Zaron that were mentioned earlier along with a few other ones that weren't named in the cut content I saw and they have to get the stick back from the government.

All I know after that is that there is a big final battle with the government and that Kenny betrays everyone to get the stick himself at some point during all of this.

That's what is supposed to happen during Day 4 according to the cut content that I know about.

Here's what I'm doing instead.

I already had T.K. both disarm the snuke they set up in South Park (they put it in Mr. Slave again, just much later than in the final cut) and locate where their secret base is, so I'll first be taking care of that.

I use Zarganor's powers to mind-control the South Parkers into making preparations for the battle with the Denver kids and fly on over to the government base to get the Stick of Truth back real quick.

When I left the house, the paper bag was gone, so they probably got my message.

However, these assholes tend to be as bad at listening as they are at being competent. Also, I'm done giving a fuck.

Mr. Eyepatch McBadGuy's POV:

"Sir- the plan didn't work, sir... It appears the kid got away." Agent Afrons informs me. I suppose we have no choice then...

"It's time to go to Plan Delta."

"Oh, FUCK ME, plan delta?!"

"Start it up! We need to wipe this town and its people from the Earth."

"But what about the Dragonborn?"

"Don't worry about him. The kid is going to come to us."

"How do you know?"

"Because... we have something he wa-"


"-wants... what was that?"

"Uhhhh, sir? The Dragonborn is here. He looks reeeaaalllyyyy unhappy right now and-"




Dovah's POV:

"Aaaaaaand that's the end of that quest line." I already had plenty of experience with quick yet devastating warp raids thanks to the Nahkriin war so this was a cake walk for me. Being a humanoid dispenser of Prominence Burns was something rather helpful for Cartman's plans and rather irritating for everyone else to deal with.

With the government assholes all conveniently bundled up together like this, they never stood a chance.

(("What about the stick?"))

"Eh, I'll just pick up another one on the way back."

(("It could have possibly allowed you to at least control Nazi Zombies. Both Clyde and the government becoming capable of ordering them around when they acquired it seems like more than just coincidence, right?"))


One time reversal, one quick, stealthy searching montage, and another Prominence Burn later, I have the Stick of Truth and let T.K. absorb it to see if it actually does have any powers before finding a replica to bring back to South Pa- I mean the lands of Zaron.

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