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(Okay, so... this is different. I'm not forgetting about Patience, I just need some time to think it over. I may end up rewriting it. But for now, this was my other idea.

Original cover image isn't mine, the reader is female as usual, and since this is yandere, we've got serious mature stuff ahead. This is a fair warning. ♡♡♡)

[ 01010110 01001001 ]


The sound of footsteps hurrying to the bedroom filled the hallway, accompanied by the familiar squeak of shoes on hardwood floors as Gavin skidded to slow down enough. "What, what?! Jeez, you're yelling like your ass is on fire!" A single moment passed. "Aw, shit, it's ready?"

Quick to slap him upside the head, Elijah frowned. "If Mom hears you swearing--"

"Man, it's fine... you don't gotta hit me," he added, gray eyes narrowed. In certain lights, they could be mistaken for hazel, but they were pale either way, and intense when he glared. Rubbing where he'd been struck, Gavin made a wildly impatient gesture to his brother's computer. "Come on, come on, show me already!"

"Chill, dude, she's still updating," Eli replied, pushing the shock of brown hair from his forehead before having to push his glasses back up his nose. "Updates take forever."

"Especially when you have all that crap on your computer al-- hold up." Gavin's eyes narrowed again. "She? You changed it? I thought you said you weren't gonna do that."

Tilting his head side to side, the other male finally shrugged. "Yeah, but... I'll use that voice for something else. I was playing around with the module this morning, and I made a better-sounding one."

Snorting, the shorter teen shook his head. "Is that your way of saying you're just indecisive about shit again?"

"Not the point." His monitor showed the progress bar, having been updating for the last half an hour. He'd shouted for his sibling when it reached 99%. When at last it was completed, both brothers shifted in nervous excitement.

"Man, if this works--"

"It will."

"Fifth time's the charm."


"What are you gonna call her?"

Elijah hadn't gotten that far, obviously too excited with his work to think about the minor details that would come later on. "Um... well, I can't really use the same name, can I?"

"Nope. Connor is definitely a dude's name." Grabbing a chair, Gavin sank into it beside his brother, just as excited as Eli was. "Man, if this works, you're gonna be a shoo-in for Colbridge."

"Vi." When he got nothing except a blank stare, Elijah grinned. "That's what I'm gonna call her. Vi. It's the Roman numeral for five, and... she's the fifth version." He shrugged. "Makes sense."

"Sure, fine, fuckin' put her on your phone already!" Impatient, Gavin was practically dancing in his chair.

Grinning wider still, his phone was finally plugged into the cable waiting for that purpose. Downloading a program to replace the voice command ones given to every other phone would have been risky... if Elijah Kamski had no idea what he was doing. But he was meticulous, creative, and unsatisfied with the bare minimum capabilities of Siri and Alexa and such. So he'd simply created his own.

It had taken three years before he was satisfied with his new assistant, but he'd upgraded and fixed them four times, hence the fifth one he was about to test.

Tangible (Yandere Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now