When i saw him in an unconscious state. my emotions became an intricate web of sorrow and disbelief. It had been three long and agonizing months since my separation, my kidnapping and the sight of him in such a unconscious state makes my heart beat faster.Tears flowed down my cheeks as i looked over the beard that had grown wild and untamed on his once-clean-shaven face. Dark circles marred the skin beneath his eyes, evidence of sleepless nights and relentless worry. I couldn't help but feel a surge of guilt, wondering what he had endured during this time apart. By this, i can clearly see that he still loves me. Despite being anything,he still came to save me. there was an overwhelming sense of joy at seeing him again, alive and in the flesh. My heart ached with love for luca, who had risked everything to save me.

Luca babe wakeup. Luca!!! I shouted again. Why is he not responding. Luca, please wakuep. What happened to you. Luca!!!! But he wasn't responding . God, please let him be alive. Please, he shouldn't be dead. I said while closing my eyes. I vowed silently to myself that i would do whatever it took to get out of this nightmare together.

Luca's pov

As my consciousness flickered back to life, i found myself in a nightmare made real. My senses slowly sharpened, revealing the ominous sound of metal clinking against metal. In my disoriented state, i realized my hands and feet were forcibly shackled, the cuffs biting into my flesh. I tried to use my wolf powers,but that's wasn't working either. Zydus, what's happening. Why can't you take over. I asked my wolf. " idk luca, what's happening. I can't use my strength or can't transform." Fuck no! I looked at my surroundings where i noticed. I was chained to the very wall of the room where they held Isabelle.

As i laid my eyes on my mate for the first time in three agonizing months,  tears welled up in my eyes. a mixture of sadness and horror coursed through my veins. Her once lustrous hair hung in tangled disarray, a stark contrast to the silky strands i had often run my fingers through. By the look, It was evident that she hadn't seen a brush or a moment of care in all that time. Her clothes, once vibrant and full of life, were now stained with ominous patches of dried blood. Bruises and cuts on her once flawless skin, painting a painful picture of the physical abuse she had suffered. Her legs, arms, and face bore the cruel marks of dave Wrath. But the thing that triggered me the hardest. She had lost an alarming amount of weight. Her once healthy curves were now reduced to a fragile frame. She had been a vision of perfection, a queen in my eyes, and yet, that mfs had stripped away her essence, leaving behind a broken and unrecognizable shell of the woman i love.

What they have done to her. Before i could speak. The door of the room is open. Dave, his warriors, and emily enter the room. I knew it i couldn't trust that whore for a second. I knew it she was behind all of it. I said to myself. "My, my looks, who awake?" dave said while smiling at me. " Now, let's wake your stupid mutt of yours. She sleeps a lot, " he said while pointing his finger towards my mate. Warrior went towards my mate and threw a bucket full of water on her face. "Wakeup bitch" wh-at do you want? My mate said in a weak tone. "Dont you wanna see, who's here with you" he said while grabbing her chin. Growl!!!Dont fucking touch her dave. I will break your fucking hands.  Aghhh, what's that, i groaned in pain. "That's the point, luca. You can't do anything. Look at the cuffs around your hands and feet. The more power you use to get out those chains and cuffs. The more it will make your wolf weak. These aren't normal handcuffs and chains. Those are made specially for you with the help of witches. It will not only make your wolf weak but also you can't transform or can't use your wolf strength or can't heal. So you're just a mere human just like your stupid mate." He said with a stupid grin.

You bastard!! Wait until i get out of these.

" Things that's never going to happen." When my mate turned her gaze toward me. I was met with a haunting sight that sent shivers down my spine. Her once-vibrant eyes, the windows to her soul, were now vacant, devoid of the spark that had once illuminated her spirit. The life that had once danced within those irises had been extinguished, leaving behind an unsettling emptiness. It was as if the pain she had endured had stolen not only her physical vitality but also the very essence of her being. The gaze that used to hold warmth, laughter, and love was now a chilling void. Her eyes were like empty pools, reflecting the profound trauma she had suffered during those months. I smile weakly at her, showing the signals that i will do whatever in my strength to get her out of here.

Let her go, dave. You have a problem with me. Let her go. " Do you think i have taken her to let her go? So you're wrong. She deserves to die. A mutt like her is a disgrace to the warewolf world. I am never going to let her go. After I am done with you, i will kill her. And them i will be the king and alpha of all alphas. You dont deserve any of this. All rouges from any pack are under my control. I'm their leader. You have no power as compared to me." You're going to regret this, dave. I said with the greeted teeth. "Shutup!" He said while throwing a punch on my face. Now, blood was dripping from my lips. " luca!" My mate shouted at me. Dont worry, love , I am good.

"Do you remember what i told you, isabelle?"


"Reject your mate" when he said that anger build up inside me. How dare he. He will definitely regret it. I look into her eyes. She was on the verge of crying. " Never, you can fuck yourself but i will never reject him", she spat. That's like my girl. I can clearly see the love in my izzy's eye. For the first time in her eyes, i can clearly see the love for me. " Do as i told you. Otherwise, you will regret it,"

"Do whatever you want with me. But i will never do that to him," she said while looking into my eyes."Who said that I am gonna do anything to you? You have face enough. I think i have a better plan to torture you. How about torturing your luca in front of you?" i look at isabelle, the colour from her face drain. " Cat got her tounge, huh?" Dave said while looking at isabelle. Dave, grab the dagger from his beta hand and come towards me. " This isn't a normal dagger isabelle. It's full of wolfsbane and silver that can cause his wolf harm and also him. He can't heal himself. So let the show begin." Isabelle, dont worry, i will handle it. " Let's see how much you can handle it." He said while stabbing me in my arm. Aghhhh!!!! "Yeah, scream. The big bad king is now under my control, and it is under my mercy. And I can do anything."

After that, he again stabbed me in my stomach. Then again, on my arm. Yo-u fu-cker fight like a man. "What's the fun in it, huh?" Do as i say isabelle. Otherwise, i can do worse."

No!!! Please stop. Dont hurt him. Please, i beg you. Please have mercy on him. Dont do this." My mate yelled at dave while crying. I was in pain too much. But by seeing my mate crying, my heart torned into pieces. Izzy, look into my eyes. Nothing will happen to me. Dont worry about him. I will kill him, "i said while looking at my mate.

"dont test my patience. Reject him,"


"Oh, look like , you got a good one, luca. So damn loyal to you. It looks like she's not going to reject you. So she isn't worth it, right?" Fu-ck you! I groaned. "It's all your fault she's going to face this today. After that, he stabbed her in her stomach deeply. "Aghhhhhhhh!!!!!" My world shattered into a million pieces. As Isabelle's life was slipping away in front of  me. Time seemed to stand still, and my mind was racing in a frenzy of shock. Tears started coming out of my eyes.I felt like a knife twisting in my own heart. I couldn't comprehend how Dave could commit such a act against the woman i love. I was torn between the instinct to rush to Isabelle's side, to protect her and hold her close but these chains were holding me.

"Lu-luca, i ha-ve no ti-me le-ft, i jus-t wa-nt to sa-y i lov-e you, get o-ut from he-re no ma-tter wh-at."After that, she closed her eyes. My wolf whimper in pain. Today, he feels our mate bond getting weaker and weaker. We can't feel her anymore now. He killed my mate in front of me. After that, they all went out of the dungeon, leaving me with my mate.

The echoing words, "I love you, Luca," get out from this place no matter what was echoing in my mind. I watched helplessly as the love of my life, the person i had built my dreams around, faded away. 


That's wasn't what we expected, right? Isabelle has been dead. Dave killed her in front of luca. How's luca going to cope with the death of his mate. Is she's going to ever wake up again or not? 

Read more to find out .....♡

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