Chapter 111: Under the Table

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"P-pregnant?!" Damien stammered, and Veela ran a hand over her face in frustration. They'd find out sooner or later but she was frustrated that it was so soon! She didn't want his friends mad at her!

Damien seemed to look back and forth between them for a moment, the look in his eyes growing more and more intense. Veela had never heard the term 'hackles raised' expressed in a human, but she was pretty sure that was what was happening here.

Damien suddenly stepped toward Sebastian, who stood his ground with an equally fierce gaze under Damien's ire.

"Espèce d'abruti, pourquoi est-ce que tu compliques toujours tout?! C'est incroyable que tu trouves toujours à te compliquer la vie, même dans les solutions à tes problèmes! C'est comme si tu te complaisais dans la difficulté! J'en reviens pas! Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire, maintenant?
Et bien-
Non, je sais EXACTEMENT ce que tu vas faire!" Damien shouted angrily at him, jabbing him in the chest with a finger in his rage.

Sebastian squinted before he frowned, "You know I didn't understand one word of that, right?" He growled.

Marie stepped forward and put a hand against Damien's back, the gentle touch seeming to bring some of the tension out of him. "Damien, calm down." She said firmly.

Damien glanced over his shoulder to her before giving a last glare at Sebastian and taking a step away from him. "I can't believe you. I knew you were irresponsible, but this- this is different, Sebastian." Damien said, his words laced with an animal-like growl.

"I know." Sebastian muttered, running a hand through his hair uneasily.

"I-I'm sorry this happened, I didn't mean for-" Veela started, wringing her hands in her skirts uneasily.

"Veela, you aren't the one to blame here. No one is upset with you." Marie said gently. "This is mostly Sebastian's doing for his stupid idea of distracting you with sex."

Not that stupid... she'd quite enjoyed it at the time...

Sebastian sighed and nodded, but when she looked over to him there was an oddly warm look in his eyes as he glanced over to her. It made her freeze for a moment, wondering what that look was about.

"I suppose that explains why you immediately went to get her something to eat." Damien shook his head in frustration.

"She hasn't eaten well for a few days, now. We got some tea from a healer to try and help with her nausea." Sebastian said, trying to stay calm as well.

"Is the tea helping?" Marie looked back over to Veela.

Veela was surprised that Marie was being so considerate toward her after their fight when they were younger, but she was grateful for the concern. "Yeah, actually."

"Good." Sebastian sighed in relief.

"Why drag her here if she's pregnant, though? You knew there was danger." Damien said unhappily. Marie gave a little smile behind him, putting a hand against his back again.

"Because her father is after her. He tried to bring her back home after he kicked her out, even against her will. I had to fight the bastard off." Sebastian crossed his arms in front of her chest. "I'm not leaving her alone when he knows where she was staying."

Damien glanced back to Marie uneasily at that, who looked rather stricken. Veela tilted her head curiously as Damien turned away from Sebastian enough to take one of Marie's hands in his, a motion that wasn't lost in Sebastian either from the way he rose his brows.

"So her father is trying to get her back home? Do you know why?" Damien said, looking over to Veela.

"He said something about helping him convince the Ministry he didn't do something." Veela shook her head, not really knowing what that meant.

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