Chapter 63: Revelation

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And so begins arc 7...

I was the master of my fate...


Veela woke groggily after a wild night, sore and happy from how passionate they'd been. Something had shifted between them, that was for sure. That was a drastic change from the night before, and it was definitely a good change.

She shifted against him and smiled over to him as he was still asleep, reaching up to move a lock of his hair from his face. So handsome, and his freckles gave him an almost impish look to him that only added to the charm. A hand went to her chest as her heart fluttered, and she bit her lip anxiously. He was making her feel things she'd never felt before.

Father had always said she didn't have time for men... that she should focus on her job and cast away all thoughts of romance. But... she couldn't seem to help herself with Sebastian. He was showing her things about herself that she didn't even know, and making her realize there was so much more to life than what she'd experienced.

Was this okay, though? She should be focusing on her hunt... she should be trying to find the werewolf. Yet here she was well bedded with Sebastian again, laying cuddling with him and she still didn't want to get up. She was starting to care less and less about her job, and... that scared her.

What else could she possibly do besides be an auror? She didn't even think of that as a possibility, because surely her father would disown her. He was all she had...

She let out a soft nervous sound that woke Sebastian, watching his dark eyes flutter open as he stretched lazily beside her.

"Mmm good morning, sweetheart." He said in a husky voice that made her insides go gooey.

"Good morning." She said softly.

His eyes focused on her, and she cursed inwardly that he was able to read the unease in her voice.

"What's wrong?" He asked gently, and ran a hand through her loose hair, making her nearly melt under his touch.

"I'm just... nervous about my license." She said softly, closing her eyes to savor the sensation.

"About losing it, or about keeping it?" He asked gently, his eyes intently watching her.

"Losing it." She said quietly.

"If it does come to that, I'm sure you'll figure something out, Veela." He said with a soft smile.

"I guess." She sighed. "My father will be so angry, though."

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Who cares?"

"He's all I have, Sebastian. I don't have siblings... I don't really have anyone I know well." She bit her lip gently at the thought of being utterly and terribly alone.

He seemed to want to say something else, but something was stopping him, a pained look coming to his eyes. She reached up to gently touch his cheek, tilting her head a bit in question of what was bothering him.

"It's nothing." He said wearily as he sat up, looking around the room thoughtfully before he let out a laugh of amusement. "We... kind of made a mess." He grinned.

She sat up as well and moaned in dismay, a hand covering her face in embarrassment. A mess against the wall, a mess against the cabinets, and she knew there were likely messes on the floor and the mattress...

"We're going to have to give the cleaning lady a huge tip to deal with this." Sebastian laughed softly.

"I have a few extra galleons I can give." Veela laughed as well.

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