Chapter 15: Embers

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Welcome to your second double basilisk day! The second chapter will be in a few hours because I'm wicked lol

But she won't discover that it's him, 'till chapter three...



Ominis loved conjuring. It felt so damn satisfying to make something out of nothing. Sure it was tiring and he would probably sleep like a rock tonight, but it would be well worth it.

He was surprised when Marie showed up, able to hear her breathing from the doorway as she looked in the room. For a moment he'd thought she was another servant and thought he'd been caught, but luckily that wasn't the case.

With Notch off with an extendable charmed bag and a list for the books, he was doing the finishing touches on the room. This part was easy, because luckily things went into place on their own. He figured Ariadne wouldn't mind if something was a bit off center.

He had practiced nonverbal magic quite a bit with conjuring, summoning things in the Undercroft or for Damien over the years. Even bandaged when those two ruffians had gone too far and gotten scraped up.

He let his magic flow, sighing happily as he felt it fill the air around him with a powerful spell as he decorated the room. Something... darker, yet academic seemed to suit her. She didn't seem the type to like overly fluffy or soft things, but rather something dark and mysterious.

He chuckled at the thought, thinking maybe that's why she reacted to him so much.

He let his magic flow from his wand, condensing into various objects around the room on surfaces, candle sticks and figures, bookends and lamps, paintings appearing on the walls.

When it was done he finally sighed, feeling satisfied that he was done. Now he would just have to wait for Notch to come back with the books to put them into place.

He hoped she would like this... he wanted her to be happy, he wanted to hear that sweet smile in her voice when she spoke. To hear that soft laugh she had and the way her heart quickened when she got flustered.

As soon as Notch was back he set the books into place, but by that time it was getting late. He let out a soft sigh, smiling in satisfaction. "How does it look, Notch?"

"It looks wonderful, master." Notch said happily. "Notch thinks Mrs Gaunt will be very happy with it."

Ominis sighed in relief and nodded. "I suppose it's time to head to bed, then." He said, feeling that same heat coiling in his belly at the thought. It was going to be difficult resisting her when she was only a few feet away from him like that.

"Good night master Gaunt." Notch said, and with a thwump he heard him apparate away.

He let out a soft breath before walking over to the bedroom, opening the door softly. He wasn't sure if she was still up, but when he walked in he heard the sheets of the bed rustle.

"Hey." He said softly into the room, wondering if she would respond.

"Hey." She responded softly as he closed the door behind him.

He felt his heart slam, because she was still awake. Had she waited for him? He really liked to think she had.

He felt much more self conscious getting undressed how that they knew each other better, feeling her eyes on him as he took off his shirt and hung it up.

He started to unfasten his pants to put his night pants on, and heard her soft inhale. He stopped, his face burning with a blush as he realized he would have to do this in front of her.

Basilisk (Dark Ominis Gaunt x OC gothic romance)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن