Chapter 56: Daddy's Girl

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Sebastian woke up and stretched lazily, curled around a soft feminine body against him. He smiled in his drowsy state and kissed her shoulder gently, his hand running across her belly until he heard a soft gasp from her.

He opened his eyes as saw the auror looking at him with wide blue eyes, her face slowly turning first pink, then red, the blush spreading down to her neck and up to her ears.

That was fucking adorable.

"Good morning Veela... or should I say good midday?" He chuckled at how bright the sun was out the window.

She sat up so quickly he nearly fell off the bed, gasping loudly as she held the sheet of the bed up to her bare chest, her eyes still wide in shock. "I... I had sex!"

"Yes we did." Sebastian said with a lazy grin beside her, laying back down without a care in the world that he was naked beside her.

She was avoiding looking at him, her cheeks flushing again whenever she did. "You... I have to get a potion now. I... I can't believe I did that!" She whispered in shock at herself.

"You finally let yourself make your own decision for once." He chuckled. "It sounds like it was well overdue."

She glared over to him with that, before blushing again and quickly looking away. "I make my own decisions all the time, thank you!"

"Do you?" Sebastian sat up, leaning over toward her so he was talking gently into her ear. "Or do you just do what you were taught like a good little girl?"

Veela scoffed and rubbed her ear as he leaned away again, her cheeks red again. Making her blush was so easy, it was quite fun.

"My father may have taught me his tricks as an auror, but I earned my position." She said stubbornly. "I don't need someone I barely know telling me who I am or why I'm doing things."

"Maybe you do, though." Sebastian tilted his head thoughtfully. "Maybe you need someone who doesn't have preconceived notions to tell you what you're doing."

"You don't even know me, Sebastian." She scoffed. "And I don't even know you." She looked over to him guiltily.

"I'd say you know me pretty well now, sweetheart." He grinned wryly.

She blushed again and pulled the sheet up a bit more, feeling self conscious.

He chuckled and stood up with another stretch, groaning with the movement as he grabbed his pants to get dressed. "Come on then. Let's head down for breakfast. What are we going to do today?" He asked as he pulled on his trousers.

"We?" Veela looked over at him in confusion.

"Well yeah, you still need my help getting around the region, right?" He grinned to her over his shoulder.

Veela huffed softly, looking away with a frustrated expression before she sighed deeply. "It would be helpful."

"I thought so." He chuckled, pulling his shirt on as well. "Come on, then. Get dressed and we'll get started for the day. Maybe we'll catch a break today."

She smiled a bit at that and felt rather embarrassed as she stood up, having to let her sheet fall until she quickly turned around away from him.

"Don't tell me you're being shy now, Veela." He chuckled in amusement as he buttoned his shirt. "A bit late to be bashful, isn't it?"

That earned her another little glare over her shoulder as she pulled her chemise on, grabbing her blouse and quickly putting that on as well.

It was so amusing to him that she was being shy after she had been moaning and shouting her head off the night before, shaking his head in disbelief as he waited for her to finish getting dressed. Once she was he walked down with her to the main lobby of the three broomsticks, and grabbed a quick breakfast. He avoided the knowing look from Sirona before they headed out, and walked through the Main Street of Hogsmeade toward the forbidden forest again.

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