Chapter 101: Loup Passionné

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Damien felt his heart hammering in his chest as he held Marie's hand, sliding his thumb gently over the back of her palm as she wiped away her tears. He was glad she liked her gift, because he had admittedly used most of his stored magic to make it. He didn't think they'd be getting into too many battles any time soon, though.

It was well worth it for this reaction, though... and a little protective part of him liked that the broom was using his ancient magic to fly and protect her. It had quite a few spells on it, but he would explain that later.

"I wanted you to have something that was just for you... and that you could make your own." He smiled softly. "I..." he let in a soft breath to try and gather his courage.

The sudden unease roused Ronan, who perked up at what was happening.

Ah, you gave her the broom. Good job, Damien. He said, a smug tone coming through the sleepy drawl.

This was more than the broom, though... far more than just the broom. "I want nothing more than to see you happy, Marie." He said softly, his heart hammering in his chest as the wind whipped around them from the side of the mountain.

Ronan realized how serious this was and was suddenly much more awake.

"Damien..." she whispered, looking up to him with those pretty dark blue eyes of hers.

"I... I know I'm not exactly... the typical man..." he said anxiously, looking off to the side with the words.

"Oh stop it." He looked down as he suddenly felt her grab a handful of his shirt, staring in shock as she suddenly looked so fiercely up to him.

"You're so hard on yourself, Damien. You always think so little of yourself. Do you not realize how amazing you are? You care so much about everyone around you! You fight for them, every day." She said breathlessly up to him.

Damien put a hand over hers on his shirt, his heart beating wildly as he pressed it against him so her palm was flat against the muscles where she could feel how hard his heart beat.

That seemed to make her pause, glancing at her hand before looking up to him with a bright blush.

"I fight for you too, Marie." He said quietly, still holding her hand there.

He was a bit alarmed when her eyes started tearing up again, nervous that he'd said something that had upset her. He knew she wasn't used to being around men yet, maybe he'd overstepped-

He let out a sharp exhale of shock as she suddenly wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tight against her. He was surprised at the motion for a moment before he smiled and held her as well, resting his cheek against the top of her head.

Merlin, this felt good... to just hold her like this, to know she wanted to be held by him.

"I know you fight for me." Marie said softly against him, still keeping her grip tight. "You... you're the first man that's ever done that. It..." she shook her head against him, a soft sound coming from her that broke his heart that she had gone through so much. It made him want to bare his fangs at people, knowing that no one had helped her when she'd needed it most.

"It makes me feel like I can be normal again." She whispered against him.

He leaned back to try and look at her, but her face was hidden against his chest still. "Marie..." he said softly, running a hand through her hair gently, trying to reassure her. "Chère, you are normal. You've just been through so much."

Marie's grip around him tightened as she let out a shuddering breath. She leaned back to look up at him, a warm smile on her face that made his heart skip. He hadn't seen that expression from her before.

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