Chapter 70: The Full Moon pt 1

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The full moon was upon them.

Damien walked restlessly around the house, itching anxiously at the back of his neck and arms as he grumbled under his breath. He looked out the window with every pass by it, the sun setting slowly on the horizon.

"We're doing this down in the cellar, alright?" Damien said, his voice strained.

"Of course." Ominis nodded from nearby, his expression solemn and uneasy as Ariadne ran her hand along his arm beside him to try and soothe him.

Damien looked over to Ominis, frowning at how tense he looked. "Ominis, you don't have to do this." Damien said in a softer tone.

"Don't, Damien. Don't try to convince me not to do this. I want to help you." Ominis sighed. "I'll be fine."

Sebastian looked over at the window again, the sun growing lower on the horizon. "We should get going." He said, looking to Damien anxiously.

As they stood Marie walked from the kitchen, looking up to Damien with a nervous expression. The took one of his hands and held it tight in both of hers. "Good luck. I hope this works for both of you." She said quietly.

Damien's expression softened with the words, and a bit of tension fell from his shoulders. "Thank you, Marie. I hope so too."

Marie looked over to Sebastian, her expression grin. "If you need anything, call for me."

"I will, I hope we won't need it, though." Sebastian shook his head.

"Let's get going." Ominis reminded them, leaning down to kiss Ariadne's cheek.

"Be careful." She whispered up to him.

"I'll be fine, love." He smiled reassuringly down to her before sighing. "Let's get going, then. Lead the way to the cellar."

Sebastian nodded and looked toward Damien, who let out a weary sigh and nodded. He gave one last look to Marie, before walking toward the door to go outside to the cellar.

The walk to the double doors that led underground was solemn, Damien itching at the back of his neck anxiously as Sebastian opened the doors. There was a heavy chain laying nearby, and Sebastian eyed it warily, hoping they wouldn't need it tonight. He looked over nearby to Veela, his heart clenching at the sight of her petrified. He wished things had turned out differently for her... but at least she was still alive. It gave him hope that she could at least be unpetrified. He'd... have to talk to the others about that, though. He had a feeling Ominis wouldn't like the idea.

He put those thoughts out of his mind for now, glancing to Veela one last time before climbing into the cellar after Damien, stepping down onto the dirt floor blow.

"I hate this place." The voice coming from Damien was the rougher sound of Roman, a soft growl accompanying the words.

"Understandable." Sebastian said gently, helping Ominis down from the bottom rung of the ladder.

"Alright... we should probably do this before the moon rises, so..." Ominis sighed wearily, really hating this idea. "Let's get started, I suppose."

"Did you want to take the first turn?" Sebastian asked, wanting Ominis to be as comfortable as possible in this. He knew this went against everything he'd ever stood for before now.

"I might as well." Ominis shook his head. "Get it over with."

"Thank you." Ronan said quietly, looking over to Ominis with gold-rimmed eyes in the darkness of the cellar. "I know you don't want to do it."

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