Chapter 52: What Goes Around Comes Around

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Arc 6 begins here!



It was late at night when Ariadne woke up to the sound of moans echoing through the wall, letting out a long sigh of frustration. She had a feeling this may happen, the neighbor getting some payback for the night before.

She looked over to Ominis and chuckled at the sight of him shoving a pillow over his head, trying to cover his ears from the sounds. She rolled over and slid a hand along his back soothingly, smiling when he took the pillow off his head.

"I'm reconsidering my stance on curses." He grumbled in frustration, flopping his head down against the mattress with a tired groan.

"It's what we get for being so loud last night." Ariadne chuckled, leaning down to kiss his cheek gently. "Besides, they'll stop eventually."

"I really hope 'eventually' is soon." Ominis mumbled against the mattress.

She chuckled at how cute he was when he was tired, leaning further over him so she could brush her hands through his hair. "How about you roll over and I'll put you back to sleep?"

He lifted his head, his expression confused. "You really think I can sleep with this racket going on?"

"I think I can give it a good shot." Ariadne smiled softly. "Or if anything, it will relax you, mr grumbles." She chuckled.

He gave a small smile at the tease and let out a soft sigh before he rolled over onto his back so he was pressed back against her chest. She put the pillows behind her back before she scooted back, leaning back against them as his head rested between her breasts.

"Mmmm... admittedly I definitely like this." He murmured, kissing the warm skin of one of her breasts.

"You're supposed to be relaxing, sir." She teased with a grin, giving him a little pat on the shoulder as punishment.

He grinned, leaning a bit more heavily against her as he sagged. When her hands started stroking through his hair gently he let out a long sigh of pleasure, his eyes closing gently as he focused on her touch.

His eyes opened in surprise when she started humming, a soft smile coming to his face before he relaxed again, turning around so he was facing her, his arms wrapping possessively around her waist as he closed his eyes again.

Her voice was soft and melodic as she sang him to sleep, continuing to stroke his hair in a way she was finding he really liked. As he sagged further against her she wondered how much softness he'd had in his life, that he reacted so strongly to just a simple act like this. It was like he had never had someone sing a lullaby to him before, nor stroke a hand through his hair. What else had he not had? She knew his family was horrid, and that kindness seemed to be a foreign concept in the Gaunt manor. How had Ominis come from such a horrible place, when he himself was so kind and compassionate?

She smiled as he let out a soft sigh against her, his grip around her waist growing weaker as his breathing grew more steady. Had he really fallen back asleep against her like this? It was... such an affectionate moment between them, that he felt so comfortable with her to fall asleep like this. Not to mention with the moans still sounding off from the room beside them.

She felt her heart flutter in her chest, and he stirred a bit as she realized he heard it with his head pressed right against her. She smiled, moving aside a lock of hair that had fallen into his face. So much had happened since they'd first gotten married. First the fight in the kitchen, then the gradual friendliness that had started between them... the incident with the study, and his rescue... then the growing affection between them and his expression of that affection by making her a library. The sexual tension between them building then exploding into a hot and heavy intimacy, then the Gaunt manor debacle, and them finally coming back together again.

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