Chapter 53: Loup Ardent

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Tw: mentions of Marie's story, so same as before- sex trafficking, drugging, death


Damien shifted restlessly from foot to foot as he waited outside the house in Feldcroft for Marie to arrive, the events of last night still weighing heavy on his mind. Today was a big day, both because Marie would tell her why she was so frightened all the time... and because it would be another opportunity for them to play quidditch.

He held his broom in his hand tight, his knuckles turning white with stress. Maybe she wouldn't show up? Maybe yesterday had scared her too much. It had certainly made him worried. He was terrified of hurting her on accident. He could so easily contaminate her, sharing his curse with her.

Stop calling me a curse. The wolf growled.

Damien winced a bit, forgetting for a second that the wolf had feelings. He was trying to be better, but... old habits died hard, and it was difficult to comprehend another mind within his head.

"Sorry." He said softly, feeling odd apologizing to himself. Or was it himself? He wasn't sure about that part, yet.

She'll come. The wolf said confidently in his mind.

"How do you know for sure?" Damien asked warily.

Because mate. The wolf said with the image of a look of confusion that he would question it.

Damien shifted anxiously again, because the wolf calling Marie his mate was rather worrying to him. Especially as the full moon came. He seemed rather confident in it now, as if it had already been decided. "You're aware that's not how human courtship works, right? This isn't dealing with another beast."

The wolf seemed confused by that, not understanding.

Damien let out a deep sigh, because talking to the wolf and opening that door seemed to have made things so much more complicated than they ever had been.

He looked up as he heard something in the sky, his heart hammering at the sight of Marie flying toward him, circling overhead before spiraling downward. She landed in a little jog, flipping her broom from between her legs in a well practiced motion. Goddamn it was breathtaking the control she had of her broom.

I bet she would have good control over other things too. The wolf snickered.

Damien mentally kicked at him to stop with the commentary, sending the wolf laughing deeper into his mind.

Marie was wearing her skirts tucked up at her hips already, long leggings visible beneath and knee high boots with shin guards. Her dress was yellow, which made him think back to the days he'd watched her speed around the quidditch field almost faster than he could watch. Goddamn she was amazing.

She gave him a little bashful smile as he stared, and he realized he looking at her too long, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously. "It's good to see you. Looks like you dressed for the game."

"Looks like you did too." She said, looking at his much more casual outfit. He'd grabbed a shirt and green vest, and he'd worn similar boots to hers. He hadn't worn these boots in a long time.

"Yeah. I've been looking forward to it." He admitted with a little smile.

Marie blushed a bit, biting her lip as if struggling for a moment. "Me too." She said softly. "Before or after?" She asked in a smaller tone, looking down.

"What?" He was confused about what she was asking.

"Do you want me to tell you what happened before or after we play?" She asked softly, looking back to him anxiously.

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