Chapter 108: Vulnera Sanentur

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Sebastian had panicked when Veela fainted, the news of her pregnancy making him worry even more than he had before. It was thanks to the healer that he'd gotten his head on straight, and apparated her to the Three Broomsticks where he carried her to a room to try and get her to wake up. He would have headed back to his house, but frankly with her father skulking around he didn't want to risk anything right now.

"Come on, sweetheart..." he said in worry as he laid her on the bed, taking a chair and pulling it over so he could watch over her while she slept.

Pregnant... she was pregnant. With HIS child... how were they going to work this out when everything was already so tangled? How would this work? He fully intended on being there for his child. The memories of his own parents were some of the best times of his life. If he could give his own child happy memories like that... he would call that a success.

He moaned in dismay at the situation, running a hand along his face. No wonder she was so sick all the time, it explained a lot! It also explained why she was so tired. She was growing a person inside her, it was really no shock that she was tired!

He glanced at her stomach and let out a shaky breath. It was such a shock to think about, it didn't even feel like it was real. His child. His. Oh Merlin, he was a father! How had this happened?! Well- he knew how it happened, it was pretty obvious, but STILL.

He brought his hand over to hers and gently laced his fingers through hers, his breath shuddering at the thought of all that lay ahead of them. She'd probably be pretty damn angry with him... and honestly he wouldn't blame her much. He did lie to her, and he did knock her up...

He looked up when a light shone outside the window, his heart going up to his throat as he recognized the silvery light of a patronus. It was how he, Damien and Ominis notified each other about emergencies.

The form of a massive bull elk filled the room, tossing its antlers as it pawed a hoof at the ground in alarm.

"Ominis sent us a patronus. Something has happened, return to the manor as soon as you can!" Damien's voice sounded from the elk before it scattered into light across the room.

Sebastian let out a shaking breath, knowing how bad it was if Ominis had sent for Damien to return. It meant either him or Ariadne had gotten hurt- and bad enough Ominis was panicking.

"Shit-" he looked down, worry gripping him as he started to get up, but then looked back down to Veela again. He couldn't leave her... he had a decision he had to make right now. Go to help his friends, or be with Veela and watch out for her when she was at her most vulnerable.

He let out a shaky breath as his mind raced, his eyes wide as he thought through the decision, but in the end there wasn't really a decision to be made. He knew what he had to do... and it hurt to do it.

He sat back down, looking out the window desperately and hoped Damien could handle this for now. As soon as Veela was awake... hopefully she would be fine with going.


It took nearly an hour for her to wake up, and it was the longest hour of his life. He was nearly pulling his hair out by then, and when she opened her eyes he let out a whooshing breath of relief as she woke up.

"What happened?" She whispered, looking around at the room they were in.

"You passed out at the healer's so I took you here to recover." Sebastian said gently. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Hungry." Veela sighed, sitting up in the bed and looked at him, a frown coming over her face. "What's wrong?"

"That obvious?" Sebastian laughed weakly, looking away from her. "Damien sent an emergency message that Ominis is in trouble. We need to get there as soon as we can."

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