Chapter 51: Bait

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That had been close. Far too close.

When he'd seen what she was using as her bait, he'd felt a rush of anger and frustration. She was using love and affection as bait, which was fucking heartless. It had almost worked, too... which told him how effective that tactic was.

He gave a dark look at her back as she picked the amortentia back up, looking at the cup thoughtfully. Maybe he should just-

"I'm not sure why it didn't work... unless maybe you were right and they moved on." Veela sighed in frustration.

"I told you." He scoffed. "That hut hadn't been touched in a long time. It must have moved on."

She gave him a thoughtful look and shook her head with a sigh. "I suppose." She said, looking angry about it.

"Why are you so adamant about this, anyway? You're acting like this is so damn important to you... and don't say this is for the good of the community, because I'm starting to think that isn't actually what you're working for." Sebastian said, being a bit more harsh after that stunt she'd pulled. It didn't sit right with him to use love as a weapon when it was something so precious.

She glared at him and remained silent for a moment before giving a soft sigh. "I suppose it doesn't matter if I tell you. I'm doing this because it's what I was raised to do."

He hadn't been expecting that. "Raised to do?"

"My father is an auror." She said, her tone a bit bitter. "He wanted me to become an auror, and so I did. He taught me all his tricks, all his lessons. So..." she shrugged helplessly.

"Did he teach you about this trap?" Sebastian motioned toward the amortentia.

"Yes, he said it's the best way to lure a werewolf." She said, looking down at the cup in her hands.

Sebastian frowned, wondering if she realized how cold and cruel it was. She didn't seem to be aware how she sounded when she spoke about some things. "So... did you want to become an auror?" He asked tentatively.

She looked over to him at the question with wide eyes, and let out a soft scoff as she glanced away again. "Of course I did. Why wouldn't I? It's a very prestigious job."


"Is that what matters to you, prestige?" He said, taking a step closer to her again.

She didn't back up, but stood her ground when he crowded her. She looked up to him defiantly at his attempt to make her uneasy.

"Prestige is important." She said, her tone firm.

"So is freedom." Sebastian raised a hand to touch her chin gently. "I don't think you know much about that though... do you?"

She inhaled softly from the touch, looking up at him in surprise. "I know plenty about freedom." She said stubbornly.

He chuckled in amusement, giving her a wry smile. "You sure about that? It kind of sounds you just do whatever daddy tells you to do."

"I do not!" She huffed angrily at him.

"Oh? And what have you done that he doesn't approve of?"

Veela glared up at him, but her eyes widened for a moment.

"I thought so." Sebastian chuckled.

"Don't mess with me, Sebastian." She growled angrily.

"Mess with you?" Sebastian leaned down so their mouths were inches apart. "Sweetheart, that's not what I had in mind."

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