Chapter 71: The Full Moon pt 2

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This was weird... like really weird. He was a goddamn dog.

Oh, like that's a bad thing? Ronan said defensively inside him.

No... not bad, just... weird. He had paws! He had a snout, and he couldn't talk, which was the most annoying part. No wonder it took Ronan a while to speak fluently after he'd let him out more.

He looked up to Ominis and made the same motion, waving his paw to indicate himself before barking to try and ask what the HELL had happened, because he didn't remember anything after the imperius curse.

Aren't you supposed to remember? Ronan asked uneasily.

How would Ronan know that? But Damien didn't know either, shaking his head in frustration with a soft growl.

"Damien, you're alright in there?" Ominis asked tentatively.

How could he answer? He nodded his head, which was the best he could do.

"Thank Merlin." Sebastian sighed.

"And Ronan as well?" Ominis asked.

I'm glad they thought of me too. Ronan said in a small voice.

Damien nodded again.

"Good." Ominis sighed as well.

"We should... maybe try and get him out of here? Damien, you don't feel strange at all? Not fuzzy or uneasy?" Sebastian asked tentatively.

Damien shook his head, letting out a soft huff. He didn't feel fuzzy in the head at all, it was like a normal night... except for the being a wolf part.

Normal for me. Ronan chuckled.

"So should we get him out of here? If he has his mind he doesn't need to stay in this cellar." Ominis said quietly.

Damien looked around the cellar and let out a soft noise of unease at the many claw marks along the stone walls. He'd like to get out of here... this place held bad memories.

"Well he can't climb the ladder..." Sebastian said thoughtfully.

Damien looked down at his paws, and shook his head. Nope, definitely can't do that. He didn't have anything to hold the rungs with. Plus this felt foreign to him, chances are he'd just fall right back off again.

"What about wingardium leviosa?" Sebastian suggested.

Damien barked in indignation. He wasn't being floated out of here! He'd look ridiculous!

"He didn't like that idea." Ominis chuckled.

"Damien, it's the only way to get you out of here, you're way too big to carry." Sebastian sighed.

Damien looked down at himself and didn't think he looked all that big, but...

He took a few clumsy steps forward and realized even on all fours he was taller than Sebastian's waist, and he was rather tall. Just how big was he?! Certainly larger than a normal wolf.

He made a soft growling sound in a grumble, looking at Sebastian with a frustrated expression.

Sebastian only laughed, setting a hand on Damien's head reassuringly. "You sure are expressive as a wolf, Damien."

Great. Just what he wanted.

"It's the only way out, Damien, unless you'd rather stay here for the night." Ominis said gently.

Damien looked back at the scratches along the walls and let out a soft whining sound of unease. He slowly shook his head, Sebastian's hand rustling in his fur with the movement.

Basilisk (Dark Ominis Gaunt x OC gothic romance)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat