Chapter 60: Hunted

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"You won again! What the hell is this?" Sebastian laughed as she showed him her hand of cards.

"Beginner's luck?" Veela grinned before laughing in amusement as he rolled his eyes.

"I would have believed that about 5 games ago." He said with a wry grin. "It's a good thing you didn't want to gamble, sweetheart. You'd be fleecing me right now."

He grinned when she giggled happily that she was so good at playing cards.

"Maybe it's because I'm good at reading your emotions." She said as she leaned forward with a smile.

"Oh? How are you so good at reading me when you barely know me, dear?" He leaned forward as well in challenge, but was a bit surprised when she didn't back off. He'd meant to make her flustered, but she wasn't this time.

"When you're lying you have a little wrinkle you make in your brow. Riiiiight here." She gently touched between his eyebrows.

Sebastian frowned, reaching up to rub his forehead when he realized he had a tell. She could obviously read it, considering how many games she'd won. That might not be a good thing. He would have to be careful.

"Are you sure that's a tell, or maybe I wanted you to win." Sebastian grinned, trying to play it off.

She giggled in amusement and tilted her head, her wild hair partially fallen out of the bun she tried to hold it up in. It was a constant state for her, her golden locks always wild even though she often tried to fix her hair.

"I've only known you for a day, Sebastian... but one thing I do know about you, is that you don't like to lose." She smiled wryly.

He let out a soft chuckle, because she was right. He didn't like to lose. "Guilty, I suppose." He said softly. "But neither do you, it seems." He looked over to her with a little grin.

"I like getting my way fair and square." She smirked.

"Ugh, you were a Gryffindor, weren't you?" Sebastian moaned in agony.

She frowned suddenly, and he wondered if he'd said something wrong. "No... but my father was." She said quietly.


"Then what house were you in? I would have known if you were in slytherin." Hard to miss a pretty face like hers.

"I was a hufflepuff." She said softly, her eyes going distant as she seemed to remember something.

A hufflepuff? She didn't act much like a hufflepuff... but then again neither did Marie.

"What's wrong? Why are you frowning like that?" Sebastian asked gently.

"Sebastian... what did the sorting hat say when you put it on?" She asked in a small voice.

"Um... that was a long time ago, Veela. He mentioned I was resourceful, and cunning... and that I have a penchant for mischief." He smiled wryly about the last part. "So I belonged in slytherin."

"Hmm." Veela said thoughtfully.

"Why, what did it say for you?"

"He said I..." she looked off to the side as if debating saying it. "He said I have potential, that my loyalty is deep but I need to discover where my loyalties lie before I find my true strength."

"Have you found where your loyalties lie? You work for the Ministry so I would assume your loyalty is to them." He said thoughtfully, carefully watching her expressions.

"Yes, of course." She said with a small smile. "My loyalties lie with them, of course."

"You don't sound very convinced." Sebastian quirked an eyebrow at how weakly she'd said that.

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