Chapter 12: Foundation

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It's my favorite part because, you'll see...

It felt like she was in a fairy tale, sitting with Ominis in their secret chamber below the house. It was dark and dusty with very few lights coming from ancient candles, but nothing a bit of fixing up couldn't solve. She had a new project room to have fun with!

But she realized how important it was that he had shared this secret room with her, especially when he'd been so wary of her before. He was telling her without words that he trusted her. It meant so much, considering what he was risking.

She wanted to tell him her secrets, too. To share herself and everything that might hold her back from truly being with him. But... it was scary, especially considering his family.

"So you wanted to know more about me?" Ominis asked softly after sitting down. He reached toward her and brushed his fingers against her wrist as if he couldn't help but touch her. It made her shiver softly and smile, because she was really starting to like all these small touches.

"Yeah... but I don't really know where to start. I know what your family did to you... so we can avoid that part." She said softly.

"I appreciate that." He smiled weakly. She figured it was difficult for him to talk about.

"Well... how about you tell me about your friends? Your time in Hogwarts? We never really knew each other while we were in school." Ariadne asked with a small smile.

"Then you can do the same." Ominis said firmly, taking her hand in his.

She smiled as she looked down to their joined hands. This felt... so different from how it had been a few days ago. It felt like all that anger and frustration had shifted into soft and gentle feelings between them. Well... not all gentle. Some of these feelings were intensely hot.

"Alright." She nodded.

"Where do I start..." Ominis said thoughtfully "when I first went to Hogwarts I was pretty quiet and awkward, as you can imagine. Everyone knew me as my family name, and my disability, and not much else. I didn't think anyone would want to know me better either, because I knew more than anyone how terrible my family was."

She squeezed his hand gently to reassure him, knowing he couldn't see her smile.

He relaxed a bit, continuing. "Sebastian started sitting with me at lunches, and talking to me. I say to me, but more like he was talking at me." He chuckled softly. "Telling me about duels he had, books he read, things he and his sister did."

She smiled gently. Okay she might like Sebastian, he seemed nice.

"He tells the worst jokes you can imagine. Truly awful. But he's loyal to a fault, and will always help you through any troubles you may have." He sighed softly. "He tends to get his head wrapped in something and it's all he thinks about. It's gotten him in trouble more than once." He sighed wearily, thinking back to the catacombs.

"Well, hopefully you were able to help him with that? Everyone has their faults." She said softly.

"I tried, at least. The man is like a mule. Sometimes it helped, but other times... it really didn't." He sighed again.

"All you can do is try." Ariadne said softly.

He smiled weakly at that, his hand squeezing hers back before he moved a bit closer to her.

"What about Damien? I heard of him during school but I never really met him." Ariadne asked softly.

"Damien was a lot like Sebastian in some regards. Liked fighting," he lifted a finger, "stubborn," lifted another finger. "Didn't know when to stop," another finger. "Those two are lucky they didn't burn down half the countryside." He rolled his eyes with a wry smile.

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