Chapter 20: Melding

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I want you to stay- Rihanna

(Their romance was based after this song)



Ariadne moaned into the night as Ominis thrust against her, her hands clutching at him desperately. She'd never felt anything so amazing before, the hot and heavy breaths mingling between them only adding to the heat of the moment.

"Ominis!" She cried out his name as he wrapped an arm around her waist, hiking her up higher against him as he growled lustily. She loved those harsh feral sounds he made, looking up to see him panting hotly, his pale eyes hooded in pleasure as he continued moving inside her.

She moved a hand up to rest against his cheek, his expression turning surprised as his movements faltered for a split second. He let out a harsh groan as he turned his head to kiss against her palm, resuming his movements with a harder tempo as she held his face so lovingly in her hand.

"Mine." He breathed out harshly against her palm, his eyes closing as he let out a rough sound that had her gasping.

She leaned her head back as the heat inside her was coiling tighter and tighter, panting hotly as she really did feel claimed by him. Her Ominis, sweet and tough, gentle and harsh. Her heart swelled with emotion for him, a feeling she'd never felt for anyone else before. She wanted to be his- she wanted to be with him always.

"Yours-" she gasped out loudly, clutching against him as she was flying higher and higher, toward a climax the likes of which she'd never felt before. It was wild and hot, his breathing ragged as it huffed against her breast. His tempo increased, his grip on her waist tightening, lifting her torso off the bed so she was pressed against him.

She cried out as he slammed into her hard, her eyes seeing stars from how deep he went, how much he filled her. He slammed into her again, her back arching against him as she moaned, each thrust turning the heat up further and further, white hot as it coursed through her blood. She felt like she would burn, like she would shatter apart in his arms.

She was burning for him, gasping as her eyes turned wide, the pressure inside her turning unbearable. She tried moaning his name out but it only came out a strangled sound against him as she clutched harder at him, nails biting at skin.

He hissed out a long string of parseltongue, curling his body against her as his shoulders tensed and flexed beneath her hands.

"Ari!" He gasped as he buried his face against her shoulder, his breath heavy as he let out a loud groan. The way he flexed against her, his muscles tightening beneath her grip, his harsh cry, it made her keen loudly before she flew off the edge. A hot and hard climax ripped through her, making her yell loudly against him as she felt herself clench hard around him.

He let out a guttural sound against her, his grip tight as he gave a few last desperate thrusts before he tensed against her, letting out a deep rough shout of his own as he buried himself deep.

She panted as she felt him fill her, gripping him tight as they rode out the pleasure together. It was intense, hot, as if they were melding into one during that moment as they gripped at each other tightly.

When it finally faded she fell limp against the bed, and he laid above her on shaking arms before he fell against her, his head still buried against her shoulder. They could only lay there for a long moment as they tried to catch their breath, the world swimming in a hazy fog of warmth.

He came back to his senses first, growling deeply before he leaned up to kiss her, a hand burying in her hair as he poured his emotions into the kiss.

It was warm, sweet, intense... it made her toes curl with how much she felt in that kiss, her hand coming up to run through his hair lovingly as she kissed him back with just as much emotion.

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