Chapter 35: Impact

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They had both changed so much. It was almost hard to recognize these new versions of his friends, yet he could see hints of who they used to be hidden beneath the veneer. Damien was so quiet and reserved, vastly different from the bold and joking man he used to be. Sebastian was far more cynical than before, and he'd noticed that every time Damien even hinted at agreeing with something he dropped everything to do it.

He knew he had changed as well... that quiet innocence he used to have twisted into something harsh and cruel. Ariadne helped soften the edges quite a bit, but it was still there.

They sat in Sebastian's home, crowding around the only table. There hadn't been enough chairs, so Ariadne had to sit on his lap, which he was more than fine with.

"Everyone is so different." Ominis said softly, holding his own cup of brandy as he sighed.

"Much had changed, mon ami. Not all for the better." Damien said quietly.

"That's hardly something you can help, Damien." Ominis said firmly. "You didn't choose this."

"No, I certainly didn't." Damien said flatly. "If I could, I would do almost anything to be rid of this damn beast."

"How did we get back on this topic?" Ariadne sighed in frustration. "We should talk about other things. Not every conversation needs to be about Damien."

Ominis smiled softly, reaching up to run his fingers through her hair. "What else should we talk about?" He asked her, his tone softer.

"I've never seen you so into someone, Ominis." Sebastian chuckled in amusement. "You really do like her, don't you?"

Ominis felt his face heat with a blush. "Yes, very much." He said softly, his smile widening as he heard Ari's heart start racing at his words.

"It is good to see, Ominis. I am happy for you. You deserve some joy in your life." Damien said quietly.

"What about you two? Did you have any significant others since school?" Ariandne asked curiously.

"No, not really. Or at least nothing that I would call significant." Sebastian said with a sigh.

"No? Then insignificant others?" Ariadne asked sarcastically.

"Those, yes." Sebastian chuckled.

Ominis heard a little sound of annoyance from Marie beside him, wondering what she was thinking. She had been so agitated since they'd come here, particularly with Sebastian. He did wonder why, but he didn't want to pry. Not with the hint Ariadne had given him a while back about potential past trauma. He could understand wanting privacy in that regard.

"What about you, Damien?" Ariadne asked.

"No." Damien said softly. "Nothing, but... that is for the best at this point. I would not dare try to get close to a woman now."

Ari stiffed against Ominis, his hand going to her hip reassuringly. She hadn't liked that answer. "Why not? It's perfectly fine as long as you're human-"

"No, Ariadne. It is not fine." Damien growled. "I would never subject any woman to this. "Even in human form, my bites affect people. I refuse to spread this curse any further than myself."

"How do you know your bites affect people in human form?" Ominis asked warily. He didn't like the sound of that.

The silence from those two was deafening. Ominis tensed, gritting his teeth in frustration. "Answer me!" He demanded.

"That first month was the hardest, Ominis." Sebastian said softly. "We were... both learning how to cope with it. Tensions were riding high and the wolf was new."

Basilisk (Dark Ominis Gaunt x OC gothic romance)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang