Chapter 92: A Gift

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((This took a bit because I'm working a lot, so be a bit patient this month! It should be done by mid September)


Veela was still feeling sick when she woke up, groaning at the sick feeling to her stomach. The stew hadn't helped after all, which was frustrating. Luckily she'd used a glacius charm on the ice box so she could save the rest for later. She was starting to worry that the blood bane potion may have permanently damaged her, whether she would ever stop feeling sick like this. Surely it shouldn't be lasting this long, right? What if being petrified had somehow made it worse?

She sighed as she sat up and rubbed her head, looking down as she felt her hand shaking and sighed as she felt weak and uneasy. She had been planning on trying to head to Hogsmeade today to speak with Augustus but maybe that was a bad idea. She didn't have enough for a wiggenweld to try and combat this, either. Ugh.

She looked up to see a familiar barn owl sitting at the windowsill, and frowned with a scoff of derision that her father was contacting her again. She'd been pretty damn clear in her response, yet he was obviously insisting.

She knew the owl would pester her until she took the note, so she grabbed it out of the owl's talons, making it screech indignantly.

"Oh shut up, you know what you're doing." Veela glared at the bird as it glared back at her, before opening the note to read it.

You must come home. I realize now I was rash in saying what I did, and turning you away. Something has come up that I need your help in. I'm your father, your only family and I need your help. You can't abandon me like this.

The absolute audacity of this man to ask her not to abandon him after he'd done exactly that just days ago! What, did he think she would just come crawling back to her? Then again she likely wouldn't have a place to stay, nor any income if Sebastian hadn't offered her his home. If it weren't for him... she likely would have gone back out of sheer desperation.

She looked up to the owl again, and frowned at its smug expression. Owls were able to find witches or wizards even when others couldn't, bypassing detection charms and even shields, somehow. It was still unknown how owls were able to do this with their own magic, but...

She took her wand out, and the owl suddenly looked at it with alarm, opening its wings. "Revelio." She cast, and saw the fuzzy air around the owl of a location charm. SHIT.

"You little-" she grabbed for the bird but it screeched and flew out of the windowsill, landing on the ground outside the window.

That meant her father knew where she was, now, and would likely try and come to fetch her. It frustrated her to no end that the same man who had cast her out was now so desperate to find her, even casting a spell on his own owl to find her! She should have cast a protection shield that negated charms... ugh, she was so angry at herself for not doing that, but she'd been feeling so sick she'd opted to try and heal herself first.

Better late than never, she cast a myriad of protection charms on the house, angrily waving her wand in the air as she grit out the incantations through clenched teeth. Let him try and get through that. He'd been the one to teach her how to protect against things, after all. She'd learned a few tricks of her own, too.

"Finite incantatem." Veela cast toward the owl, which hooted as the blue glow around its feathers dispersed. She just hoped her father hadn't seen the location yet... but if he was being so insistent then he likely would have.

She took out some parchment and angrily wrote a response, hoping it would be enough to make him stop. She was trying to set out on her own, since he'd made it abundantly clear that he held no affection for her. What kind of father threw his own daughter out when she was so desperate? What kind of man would throw a young woman out to the streets when she was so ill? He had no empathy, that much was clear. He only cared to have her back now that he had an issue he needed her to help with.

Basilisk (Dark Ominis Gaunt x OC gothic romance)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat