Chapter 72: The Morning After

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She felt so warm, like a blanket was wrapped around her, keeping her cozy as she slept. She smiled softly at the feeling, remembering last night and running her hands back through the fur her fingers were still sunk into. She smiled lazily as Damien murmured against her, and she felt arms wrap tighter around her.



She looked down and saw Damien must have shifted back in his sleep, her eyes widening at the sight of him. He was laying on his belly, his head resting in her lap as he slept. His arms were wrapped around her protectively, letting out a little noise in his sleep when her hand stopped in his hair.

He was very very naked, thick scars crossing his shoulders, the vicious bite mark from the wolf running along his bicep and shoulder in jagged wicked lines in his flesh. The ragged breath that escaped her made him stir against her, his dark eyes slowly opening against her. At first he smiled lazily at how comfortable he was, looking up to her with hooded eyes that made her heart hammer in her chest. Part of her wanted to panic, because there was a man against her, but this scenario wasn't anything like what she'd experienced before. This was gentle and sweet, even if it was incredibly embarrassing. It made it... different, somehow.

She watched realization cross his mind as he looked up to her flushed expression, and his own cheeks started turning red.

"Ah-" he looked down at himself and gasped in shock. "Putain!" He shouted in panic, grabbing the pillow on the other side of her and holding it to himself as he shot back to the other side of the couch with wide eyes.

"Je suis tellement désolé, Marie!" He said in panic, his face as red as hers.

"Did... you mean to say that in French?" Marie asked, looking away from him in embarrassment.

"French- agh, Merde- no. I said I'm so sorry, I didn't..." he looked down at himself in shock. "I thought I would wake up! I usually can feel when the change is coming, it doesn't feel good!"

He seemed to listen for a moment before he growled softly. "Ronan!" He said in frustration.

"Ronan?" Marie asked, looking over to him in confusion and blushing again when she saw him, pulling her robes closer around her as she grew flustered again. Goddamn he was handsome though, and those scars crossed back and forth along his entire chest, even down to his belly. They looked like claw marks...

"Yes, he took control while I changed. You rotten sneak!" Damien growled.

Marie couldn't help but laugh a bit in amusement at the antics between them, trying to hide her laugh behind her hand when Damien gave her a flustered expression.

"I was trying to be considerate of you, Marie. I didn't want to- I didn't want-" Damien let out a deep sound of frustration, looking off to the side with a flushed expression.

Marie felt her insides twist at how uneasy they both were, giving a little smile that he'd tried to be so considerate of his feelings.

"How about you go put on some pants, and we'll talk about it." She said quietly, putting a hand to her chest to try and calm her racing heart. She was glad she hadn't gone into a spiral from finding him against her, but... having his arms around her had helped a lot. It had felt... safe, which was something she hadn't felt in a long time.

She watched him dart out of the room and giggled a bit at how self conscious he was, her eyes momentarily lingering on his rear before he dashed down the hall. She blushed at herself, squirming against the couch uneasily. Was it okay to feel this way? It felt okay... but she wasn't sure if she could handle anything further yet... but her body certainly wanted to. Ugh. Typical her, go have her mind and body at odds once more.

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